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Show J LEADVILLE I Mr. T. F. Daly is reported on the sick list. : Mrs. J. W. Foley is visiting friends in Pueblo. Mie.i Nellie Sinnot loft last week for California. Work on St. Joseph's Church is progressing pro-gressing very rapidly. Mailer Frankle Sullivan has recovered recover-ed from a slight attack of brinchitis. Mr. Pat Martin of East Sixth street ie dangerously ill with stomach trouble. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Blose entertained a few friends at dinner last Friday evening. Miss Maggie Gaughan of Cripple Creek is viiiiting Mies Katharine Kibschle. Mr. Pat Poland of North Alder street is suffering from a alight aittack of pneumonia. 51 ns. Fox of Pueblo, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. Marvin Klat-tenhotf, Klat-tenhotf, returned home last week. Mr. John O'Neill of the Continental Oil company, who has been ill for the patst week, is again able to be out. Mr. Steve Reddy, who has been very-ill very-ill for several weeks wir.h pneumonia, ihas resumed work at the Greenback mine. The 4-vear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynch of Birr Evens Gulch died Jan. 11. The funeral took place Friday afternoon. after-noon. --- Mrs. Kelly, who has been confined to St. Vincent's hospital for 'the past two months, was operated on last week, and is reported to be much better. Mr. S. G. Canfield. formerly of this city, but recently of Butte, Mont., is here looking after business interests. Mr. Canfield may decide to locate here again. (Correspondence Intermountain Catholic.) Lead vi lit?, Jan. 15. Mrs. Dougherty of Denver has been visiting friends in this city tor the paft week. She is also looking after same business interests. Died Mr. Pat Barrett, on Jan. 10, of pneumonia. The funeral took place Friday morning, front the Church of the Annunciation. Rev. Father Saile officiated, and preached a very impressive impres-sive sermon.. Mr. J. D. Mulligan returned home last week, after an absence of several weeks. Hi? went in search of health, and was much benefited. While absent he visited in Texa, and ali?a spent some time with his sisters in Notre Dame, Ind. Mis5 Teresa Sweeney and Lulu Christman were pleasantly surprised by a number of their friends at Their home on West Third street one evening last week. Cards and music were the features of the evening. Adelicious rejpast was served, and the voting people peo-ple all- expressed themselves as much pleased with the evening's axnusemerJt. A sad accident occurred Friday, Jan. 12, at the Greenback mine. A rock weighing 1,000 pounds fell upon. Edward Ed-ward O'Brien, causing instantaneous death. The deceased was 29 years of age, unmarried, and has a brcther living liv-ing here. The funeral took rlace from the Church of the Annunciation, Monday, Mon-day, Jan, 15. . r ' |