Show the PROPOSED TEnni TORies da otah colah is is the western half of what was minnesota territory when the state was formed aline was drawn through the middle of the territory from north to south the eastern part became the state of minnesota Alinne sota the western is is unorganized and without a government goern ment arizona is is a combination of the south part of new mexico with that mersilla Mes Ales silla valley of strip land which ii we 0 purchased from mexico in in 1854 1 8 54 the latter is is without N a local go eminent JN erada is the estern half of utah lying between salt lake and nia laramie means the western part of nebraska in which the fort of that name is situated pikes peakes peak is in the rock rocky y mountain chain in the western part of kansas which part it is proposed to cut off for the he new territory superior or ontonagon Onion Onto agon is the pen peninsula between lales superior and michigan part of ft which inch belongs t to michigan and part to sims e |