Show THE TRADE a ITH UTAH the trade from and through los angeles to utah is is rapidly on the increase increase this is caused partially by the grobi growing ability of the inhabitants of utah to purchase a greater amount of goods thus bringing new neman nen into in 0 this trade who are forwarding goods from different diff trent points the principal cause however of the great increase increase of trade abrou through hour our city is owing on ing za to tho the fact that it is is becoming k known n own by men eng engaged aged in in introducing cl n g goods into utah dial goods can be taken take 11 over 01 er this route with less expense and with nith less risk and in m less time than over any other route since the first of january there have hav e left this city about sixty afons ava ons loaded with goods for that market the value lalue of these goods is is from 60 to 70 00 each waon aagon load weighing about 2000 pounds of one train of wagons which left last month five wagons with their loads belonged to the firm of buchanan co of this city there is is now in in this place or on the way nay here not less than one hundred tons of goods in in transit to utah the transportation por tation of these goods will ull employ not far from one hundred six six mule teams and wagons wagons the parties en engaged aed in in this trade are numerous some of the principal ones are loud hosmer II osmer sloan I 1 II 11 I 1 Larence Lawrence of sin san fr francisco alcisco an cisco and gilbert gerrish of salt lake los angeles vineyard |