Show n the he cuba Jil estion in t the he house shall mall political arz obstruct our national brogi cast from th the I 1 N T herald 11 orald the me question of il tc s acquisition of cuba now before both houses of congress is is tb the great question of the day in every c ircle circle political financial commercial and agricultural ral beca because use its solution either favorably favorably or adversely directly affects every interest in in the country we give today to day the report of sir mr branch from the committee on foreign affairs to the house of representatives on the subject and his bill to give to the president thirty millions of dollars with authority to open negotiations with spain for the cession cession of the island to us sir mr brances Branc hs report is la an all able review review of the question in in its material and practical form maling a complement as it were to mr Sli dells excellent argument of the political and ethical phase of the subject after reviewing reviewing in in a concise manner the steps on our part which led to the acquisition of florida mr air branch takes up one after another the relations which cuba now bears to our agricultural manufacturing and shipping interests showing from ofil official cial sources their present connection with our trade and the numerous obstacles of a political and economical character which now obstruct its development they can only bo wholly and conclusively swept away by cuba be becoming corning a member of the union for the attainment of this point mr branch goes to work in in a practical way on the path pointed out by mr buchanan Buchana ii in in his last annual message the question is is now nov fairly and squarely before congress and upon that body rests the vast responsibility of giving to it such life and action as become a ae question u vital to the interests of a ani mighty gaty people we believe that there is ib a large portion of the members of bo both t h houses who fully comprehend the great ness of the issue issue and who will avill meet it in in all places and at all times I 1 in a wa w ay Y that will merit and receive the hearty approval of the whole country but there is is a set of miserable low dirty i petty fol aging politicians in in each of the great areat parties that divide congress who will neither look at the issue issue like men nor meet it as becomes the re presenta I 1 1 tives of a free and american constituency they have come into an ephemeral public life on the foolish quarrel of the qu question estion and the they j avish to ring bring tint that question into every issue that is s presented to the people having no higher ground to claim a continuance continuance in in their heir present posts than the fact that they are fanatics for slavery slav ery or fanatics for abolition they are ready to forego for awhile their bitter hostility to eich other and to strike hands in in friendship for the purpose of keeping life in in tho the in order to cover up their schemes with a thin pretence predence pre tence to virtue they feign that it is is the man and not the measure they mistrust measuring the saga sagacious cious and far seeing seeing views views of the president by their own on petty selfish and shortsighted purposes they cry out that it is is dangerous to trust the president with so large a sum forgetting that it its I 1 expenditure 1 ap e 21 iture is is strictly guarded and I 1 limited i i by the law that there is is no precedent for conferring so great a trust upon the executive execute e forgetting some of the most brilliant pages of our count rys annals that the tze time is is not opportune for the step forgetting that hat their view bounded by the limits of the county of buncombe would never I 1 let e t then them know whether the opportunity AN was anas as at hand or not thit that it is is a deep and devilish design to secure a re nomi nilion forgetting the pledges of a filled with AAA honors and who nho has had enoah enough of setting ind and keeping 1 the country right fie r tie the I 1 disasters caused ly by their miserable inis quarrels that it is is a par partisan scheme for party a aggrandizement 9 forgetting gett ilig that every fibre fabre of the body politic and and the common weal s eal thrusts out its filaments towards tow ards the island of cuba but the question is is a national one in in the highest sense as these petty bunglers in in politics will avill find out to their sorrow before its discussion by the people of tins this country is is closed by the admission mission of cuba into the union and we have entered upon the great era of material development and prosperity which its coming in will inaugurate and not only is is it a national question question that will w ill be appreciated by the american people but it is is an international question of the highest character charac tei and mor moment nent it is is a mighty step in in the path of our national destiny the fact that we ve do not fear to cont it will give us a higher position and a greater moral influence among the nations of the he earth ear than have hitherto been accorded to us the presidents message caused i a great commotion in in europe because he did not hesitate in in it to call upon congress 1 to take the giant stride that lay la before us but when europe learns that the statesmen ill in the american congress have not hesitated to take up tho the labor which abich sir mr buchanan told them wis was w is theirs to perform her slavish press and selfish will NAM howl in in their despair at the diring of a free people before the discus ion which congress has yet to go through is is finished the echo will come back from europe and the grandeur of the policy suggested will be known by the dismay it spreads reads among the minions minions of despotism poti sin but when europe shall see that we dare to take the step that lies before us ua and to which our national nati onil advance the interests of ourselves es and of the whole civilized world ind and the increase of wealth and consequent development of humin human knowledge are impelling us then will her statesmen and her princes turn to us with smiles and hail our progress and success in in the mighty scheme of world dev development elopement elop ment should these miserable trickster trick sin in politics in in pursuit of their own selfish purposes and ambitious aims succeed in in deflating defeating for a little while the national progress ress the indignation of an outraged people will soon overtake and overwhelm them the question of the acquisition of cuba with all its vast lait issues and bearings has now come up for discussion sion and to triumph if it is is defeated in in congress it must and will go before tho the people and no man who can put t two 0 and two together logically can doubt the result in m that sovereign tribunal its discussion cannot be delayed its elucidation cannot be stopped its early triumph cannot be cut off to enable political tricksters trick and fanatics to divide the country in in discord on the ni ger that they may enjoy a little while longer the spoils of place and the sweets of Power let them beware how they dare to trifle w with ith the nations progress and to carp and cavil at its grandeur because their petty souls have hae not been able to conceive conceive its mighty proportions or their shrunken hearts to experience its heroic emotions when the nation val still weak their fathers dared to look its future in in the face fearless of consequences let not degenerate sons dare to brave a peoples indignation because I 1 they shrink from following the path their fathers laid out for their country 1 |