Show FROM los ios Air ANGELES GELLS by the ove overland riana mail from los angeles angele e have the vineyard aaril kofl of friday t lic alth dinst it rained very hard is r d nt it Ls ios angeles on wednesday and ahm aday of last meek the vineyard tile the mall of january from the lie east was delayed nearly twenty four hours in of the die loss of stock on glovers glover division of the route A party of Cam ancile in indians indiana of some GO CO or 80 came to two of ill the stations about aboa miles cast or of the rio grande and told the station keepers that they M anted the horses and took 35 33 head of animals the die indians said that if tile he mail company had greater need of the horses than themselves they cou could d come or send for them ow owin n to this loss of stock one team bad to tra travel ef 65 miles |