Show A GOOD GHOST STORY tho the Cala talaveras calaveras veras chronicle Chro mcle relates the fol following loving the good people of vallecito vallecita Valle cito lave lae been much excited for the past two tuo weeks eels by the visitation illation of a or so something else to the house 0 of f i a family in amton town tow n every aery night loud lod ln alir cl ir s have bae been heard in in tile the house sometimes somei inies in ni the garret at others against the partitions tit ions and again upon the talks tables sometimes upsetting up etting tables chairs ikc and rai raising Iino a general row throughout the boase the have ha e matched fiig night lit after iii inget lit bardol ed guns rethers reo hers lc without beim being able to get sight of the midnight intrude anti inti uder er latterly they the have ha e come to the conclusion sion that it is is a E pinc from the other world ix ho is desirous of communicating u etith ith the iho occupants of the house bouse A medium was nas sent for but the spirit refuses to communicate ich any but the gentleman of the house and he refuses to com communicate with nh the spirit how iio they will ill settle matters remains remains to be see seen ii the spirit informs the medium that lie ho will aill not leave them in in peace until he obtains an interview with the person |