Show even a casual observer cannot 0 have ve been con convinced d that thai the ceplon i 19 p paucity of our I land ind nd fair s is tile the ca lt 0 of f a serious drain upon the na national dional tre so tury iury but to illustrate this falt fait ly bey id 4 i cavil we will cue cite a single in instance ini siance ance proof of our position when the rr al non mon imbro imbroglio Iio had reached its culfin or in ing point and brigham young bild lild till bently thrown defiance in tile the face of il government it was found ne necessary ceSary I 1 i order such a force to lo utah as 1 bould au ld su sum marily and forever dispel the aall hallm atin ai of the saints tear them fron ab A clouds and bring them down to the re ra 8 of every day exi existence tence to ac n com coll this purpose troops had madiol to be collided from nearly all sections of the ili e union arid and even the everglades of ria pi rida nila vere put in requisition to burily iti quota buot luot a thousands of miles ere trav M eased by these troops before tile they arv arii ed at st louis arid and even then their had but commenced it raqul rid A no small outlay of funds for their transportation to that polut point but oil ell arria arr nr rig ing additional expense had to be incur red tor draft animals camp and garri son sell equipage stores commissary anil a ordnance supplies etc etc the rho auth campaign tain inas then commenced in earn cara est an and at a heavy cost to the cOul country itry the city of the saints ai as occupied Q the mormon rebels reduced to 10 d a lease of their unworthiness it became a i dent that the brebt of the union had been depleted of the military force absolutely required to preserve older and mara the lives aai and I properties of our citizens the oregon indian war broke cua cut indian disturbances had occurred in ia washington wahington territory indian litas inasa a cres bad been perpetu perpetuated abed on oil the P ilic aos the sioux and Cne were ill opia ho hosu clity lity the naiades kaa oes nce ce kollnig loL Lnig burning g arid and lg in ill new NewMa xio the Co manlies were in tile the nar lath aid tile the rree presence ilce of considerable bodies ut ot troops nas as required at neady neaily tery point ct a our miles of tron trun tier government immediately adot adopted dl only measure at its sli disposal a and d a coa a sidi id rable tralle force na as withdraw rr from trout utah arid and inar over ever to Califor california Cali forna ili arid and oregon A hl hilt others were detach cd d for 1 the I he of ahe sixth ariti liy y alone could noi aai leecost lae e cost the goat rimie rit less llan up to tho the time thild of g kalt halt lale lahe front fiew salt lake to io D a itina i to ti allport the same ame reg re il ac lit all aa j now that thu thi mojave casbe 4 cume come a matter ut ul paramount it will require at ilat sewn before thy the troops detail detailed td fur for it aalt have arrived at balales cr crossinn crossi osin nj and aal get ready to take the llie field it require no extraordinary skill in arithmetic to la show chow that the cult of for one within athin the pat year id i al amount to much more than tile expense of maintaining a regiment of in infantry permanently stationed the report depoi t of the secretary Sacre tary of war shows that we have vc a fr frontier otier cons consa antly nily rt requiring quiring the presence of troops of eleer thousand miles while wo wj have hare only a force of eleven elevell thousand and men itt 0 guard guard it being a man amie a mie aill ahl the ih army cannot be po posted ted as government milestones mile stones stories arid and be expected to POW the arduous and important tant dunes W required to fulfill fulfil arid and to make it wil able it is kept constantly on th at an all excene nearly one half than would be demanded for the maintenance of eight additional instead olf of these aro are steadily oti on the increase arid anil the urgent necessity for a greater land force is lee becoming daily more apparent but this is not tile the only evil engendered by the smal smallness loess of our army tori ady aal tion to the fau fact that it dues does more were arid and trying duty than any other arm the world its morale mo ale and efficiency ir in the event of a war any other power is is seriously crippled at long HIM vals alone such aa a the war with gave rise to or tile mormon difficulty brought 7 about is it pos possible ible to exerlia the troops in anything like divi division zion brigade or even regimental amov iii it ij a most rare occurrence that niom than three or four companies a maj command are eve ever r eijiu d at akyi aidy po pot it t arid and their manTu are ty ly a lity baited to tn mere company d drill rill Vs 1 pots arr arf Io arid and lar apart and anilus 10 one carl can be reinforced without gortat 0 pense arid and the exposure of that frola which aich the may be dial the result is that the territories 40 frequently the scenes of indian 1014 la cotia cot costing iq millions of dollars which oiin never have bave occurred ithe army lio lano ugh to establish such 90 1 overawe the indians ard 1 I vicious 11 white bite men ti refrain from corribel 1 4 cor ovolon them into hosti hostilities hostility liti 1 os for spec I 1 s purposes the reasons chy w should increase the army 4 uni erous arid anil forcible whilo not 4 are ne exists els ts why it should not that is at nil all en si to notice san francisco ekr t old |