Show getting aboard in a hurry curry A laughable incident yesterday morning at tho the lincoln square station of tho the worcester and nashua railroad A traveler lound to burlington vermont where ho he had business bubines s ot of imad importance to transact E ead restad i es cd over night with his wife at nashua hotel clinine immediately opposite tho the station in order to be sure feure to hit the morning train which leaves at an early hour yesterday morning morning the traveler irav cler was sleepy leepy his lady had arisen awakened him dressed herself and gono gone goneconto down donto to breakfast expecting her lord to follow her bier without delay daay while eating cating basti 1 asti ly and scolding mentally menially in in view mew of tho the tardiness tardiness she heard the rin ringing of the bell rushing frantically up P stairs her horror may mav be imagined when on opening the bedroom door a snore from the conjugal sluggard saluted her car A slight scream and a rough shalo shako awoke him he beat d tho the bell pulling I 1 I 1 on his hia boots he hastily gathered in in his Us arms arins the rest of his attire and abid pushing ing the lady before hirn him down donn stairs put for or the train at a t two o forty gait dres ca sed only in in boots and a fl autiel shirt the twain main reached the train tiani throwing all but his shirt upun upon the platform the lady hurrie div sought to obtain the tickets at the office white while the husland husband it snuggled u iea to endue himself wit with hilis his no I 1 garment while it was yet flat fluttering flattering terin 0 over er his head the bell again again rang mil mal 1 piously cious ly and kofl started the tram train tho the unfortunate entered the car his flesh having a pimpled gooselike appearance W while hl 1 0 I 1 his s blushing hing lady spreading out her crinoline like the sac sacred r cd veil of chatty chainy converted herself into a screen that his nakedness might inight be hidden from his fellow travelers the only other femal pes bessenger putting her hand over her eyes with the lingers fingers spread wide apart declared before he turned her hei it head e ad in in another direction that axnas was sho shocking cling and so c e suppose it must have been to the unlucky 7 wight mao vi ho lad had to make such a spec acle of himself 11 vass ass spy |