Show PUT bicic the steamer uncle sam chartered by the ilie government at it is is said id per day da to carry united states troops pack in mules tiles Lag baggage gage am m inanition provi ons ns ac c to the colorado glorado river and railed on the was as suddenly caught about 11 lluc loik the same aine night ichen hen nearly forty miles from the heads in in a severe south louth casterly gale or perhaps more properly pro perl was found imps sible to I 1 heep beep her ber head ia ii ind it was as deemed expedient to throw overboard some eme forty tons of larley barley over half barrels of port pork about forty fortl lues lales of hay and some oine 1000 s acks of coal also spar pl rs 11 ll diable trunks belonging to the officers oili cers and almost ei grything ery thing that would in in tile the least digree lighten the t vessel essel about midnight the violence of the huni hurricane canel abated and the steamer steered for this port vi where here she arrived last saturday morning the scene on oil loard board with nh some souls soula was as frightful vt Weare e arc pleased to hear bear that our friends james II if merryman merrman of the Il revenue evenue cutter mn L barcy and mr tilghman both bolh guests rendered rende reil ino moat inot t distinguished service throughout this battle with th the wild waves the capt officers and crew of the steamship ste acted with cool intrepidity and col Ilof finan his officers and command did brave brae service the amount of property sacrificed is is stated at about the uncle sam upon returning transferred her troops to tile cortez both vessels ebbels are lying alongside mission Alis sion st harf the former is is very ery little dani aged by the terrific force of the dav males ind and this speaks well ell for her build san francisco laronal Xa Ronal |