Show 0 eat at the last fitlin sitting of the a 6 din fam club the prize of areiter a to ater cup 1 f ill aa unanimously awarded an ardad to the member a 0 P L C it ii what hat is isiha the di lial tTe rence I 1 between a sober it if In edical student and am one that is a ted tea I 1 answer one takes anatomical 0 ot udies the other takes any eio eto machal tuddie 3 7 10 JS the rhe wonderful vitality xi bich the english soldiery earned carried from that cool country to the burning region of stan sian i i a subject of much interest to both physiologists and political econ economics omits I 1 in ri the hottest and most sich sickly ly season the european troops have 1 0 o in in this as ill m former ars pert ormel nei some of their most mos t successful campaigns it is is stated slated that in in the recent campaigns infantry ry have in marched arched thirty two to miles in in a single Z day under a sc scorching sun un no trifling fing feat for pedestrians in in pleasant weather eather vi and a detachment ot of the force employed at Judge spore cogul completed I 1 et their two lu hundred miles in five clays only L montgomery mugil says ays when hen we cheari ot of albert pikes supposed decene dece dec cae ae we tto could but regret that old oid ned or sonic some other expert vas not near to try on oil him what proved so successful 1 e 1 ful ill in iho ie case of the 1 old arkansas k luci s a s Gentle gentleman nian in in biz hi own song they laid him outa out and spread him out and fixed him for the tomb and then on account of f their sorrow for his hia decease opened the biggest kind of a game cf laro right there in in his hia own room but when he heard the rattling of the checks lie he tore the linen from his face and bounced ill up and sung oita hold gnp on prindle dont turn ill go twenty on tho iho king kin and copper on the ace like a pine fine arkansas gentleman close to the choctaw line az dennis six n ees in thus writes nes to his sweet heart in in ireland bridgit darling canie acma across to me its myself is la doing a nato business bi siness here aith a son of father malones sui sine e its ni with ith his brother I 1 mare ile he keeps a hisk store arid and I 1 does tho the waiten lie ile told me the other morning that he had no it money ioney and I 1 him that I 1 would take part pait of the every ciery saturday as wages i but says he be pat pal if I 1 pay boti ou that way ay I 1 will soon lw have e no s stock t ock at all left and you ou W aill ill have it all says I 1 to him says sa I 1 you ou can call work nork for me then alan lan wt ri and earn it it hick hafk agin agin and so we w e c n keep it up tip and be esthers matthers mas month in and month out and wa wages es will come aisy to both of us QUAINT MARRIAGE NOTICE tilo tho following quaint and curious curious announcement M journal ent we e dip from the gallipolis GalL Galli poh polis ohio in II 11 uni ington ballint county on tho the ath dinst by tho the alev re 11 wilcox mr william S mapes of ceiga Coul county ltv and mrs margaret Ten nihil of tho cormor place TIME or OF BIRTIL BIRTH in 1703 1793 the first that eler eer was known of me with equalling squalling squal allin ling tones I 1 then began but now I 1 have hae tho the i loice oace of man laan BRIDE your tinie time of 0 birth deir dear william S youve told so plain that nono none need add aad plies tsi 1 to 7 round 0 take 1 from 3 and you have hai e mine r although one si swallow will ill not intake one summer still a pint maliciously u sly inserted in m a chair will make one spring |