Show how TO KEEP bill IES QUIET an old bachelor having been seduced against his will ill into the iho commitment of matrimony arid and being troubled after a certain length of tane tune with ith a posterity of young bachelors con conten t rived ed the following loning fol plan to keep them quiet I 1 As soon as the sweet little cre creature iture awakes and begins to squall set it it up in in bed propped up tip by a pillow if it cant sit alone and smear its fingers with mih thick molasses then get et haf half a dozen feathers into its hands and it will at once commence picking the feathers from one liand hand to the other until it drops di aps ops asleep As soon as it wal i f s again I 1 more molasses nio molas laces ces and feathers should s h itald bo be applied immediately and in in place of tho the nerve nen e astounding yells of the little dear there will bo be a sweet and calm silence pro producing ducin the most profound enjoyment and rapturous domestic felicity A tea cup mth molasses can bo be kept at tho the head of the bed in a stand drawer for use syrup 5 yr tip is said to be prie feraulo too t oramon molasses |