Show front rug et ct sound by the steamer northerner we have files tt of tile le olympia pioneer mid democrat and the ste bierau to alie ath dinst the washington territorial legislature adjourned on the ad M dinst the democratic members of the legislature nominated tile the following candidates to fill the several territorial offices oil ices public printer primer edard furste librarian A J moses treasurer rutledge gr brigadier general era 1 maxon capitol COMMiSS commissioners LOnerg jas jag bilea benjamin flarnell it IV walker two persons confined in the S eila coom m jail effected their escape on the auth alt their beirn amea are barrow and kennedy thi th i victoria gazette says that there was a g tory story on tile the streety street february ad to t ile effect that a party of numbering ingup upward W of tweety i in three canoes had been attacked in the straits on the night of feb s and all by a party of northern Koit heru indians but bat little reliance was placed in the iba story as it could not be traced to any creditable source arid and the supposition was that it originated out oi of anticipated re for or recent near amy vay |