Show the iron Motin mountain tain in oregon we announced yesterday that an extensive iron iron mine of exceeding richness lad had been discovered in in oregon about 13 miles from the city of portland A writing till on the tha subject to the portland times ays avs the pacific slope though regarded as highly favored dav ored ak with nh auriferous auntey ous placers of the precious metals met als has haa been regarded by many as seriously deficient dehan nt in in the tha more useful but laser ores recent discoveries ho however mever have di dispelled pealed this delusion and have brought to light in in the iii midst idt of our settlements in in the wil daniette la valley and within less than four in miles iles from the nolle noble willamette Vl lamette river arid and thirteen miles of tho the city of pot t land a mountain of iron iron ore supposed to be inexhaustible in in quantity arid very similar in in e every cry respect to that in in the celebrated iron mountains near atlo st louis uis mo ile the mountain appears to be well ell filled filed with boulders of what hat is is termed the hydrate of iron iron im bedded in in red and yellow ellort ochre achre and clay filled with iron iron particles parn cles it was as first discovered in in excavations cavat ions for a grave on its summit by I 1 mr fr dark clark rogers upon whose tt hose claim it was found bince ince then various anous parts of the mountain have been prospected and more than fifty feet lower down than where it was first discovered by amling holes eight or ten feet in in the bed of ore and in in every instance proved the existence of large quantities of this invaluable article mr aaron olds of camhi yamhill 11 co 0 T an a n experienced iron manufacturer or loomer bloomer b of more thin than t twenty enty years yean 1 experience has recently examined these mines and tested the ore by 1 in ing at a common blacksmiths furnace about twenty anent five faie pounds of a very ery superior quality of iron ile he pronounces the ore i very ery rich and easily vi worked corked the writer vi riter has now no before him a horse shoe and nails naila made of this iron iron of cf su texture and fineness the nails being ing I 1 easily bent with nith the fingers and a nd thea the pron iron very ery mal lable and pronounced by I 1 experienced blacksmiths to be quite as I 1 good if not superior to the celebrated swedish iron iron these thee mountains are inot not only covered but surrounded with aih red fir and other valuable timbers for the manufactory of coals that can only bp be equalled equal led by the dense forests of I 1 wellington washington territory and biffl erent portions of oregon the millions of dollars worth ci of iron iron in in its various inous forms generally consumed oris umed on the pacific coast all finding fin cling its way around cape horn at ja a heavy bosti mirt inot point to 0 o a period not ilot remote those minds will bo be extensively ten ively Yvor keil they have recently recen lly fallen into hands of parties who are making eff lorts to have their resources cevelo developed ped |