Show b core cummines message Ies sage 4 11 e hare received rec ened in in the valley tan governor cummings Cuin nung a ine message sIame delivered to the Leisla legislate tive assembly i of utah po cember in this sige ge gov gumming cumming very learly dearly explains his views 0 of f the rela tion the mormon held to the government villen nhen he arrived adiong among them I 1 explanation ilia flis isa is a frank and tearless one ile Hs le tells the lq legislature that lending lea Jin mormons cormons were in open rebellion I 1 and a that lat lie 0 demanded when he came unconditional submission as the anca of f their ihen pardon this thia price ince ho he I 1 ays t aby I 1 ey paid and au then pardon fois loveed ile he now says that he I 1 hopes lopes their future conduct ull mill show their submission iun to have been sincere lle he reminds them 1 at the army in in utah is is there under orders to remain there un lil 1 the manifest a proper sense sensa of the duty duly which they owe ove to his iab the united baates government ile he adil adds that they will have to take lake gresi grea tp trains to convince not merely th the 0 government but the people of the un um led ledguies states that they truly and bin insincerely cerel entertain enteria iti this sensa ot of duty daty their I 1 labors to ill ih s end will lie he intimates be sonie somewhat thwarted by a transient population that are making money out of the arms arm a stay in in utah and which may be expect eil rather to hinder thin than to help the grow crowth th of a belief that the Alor mons ire are loyal loyal tile the mormons cormons avill ill be dependent on oil the public press and private letters from utah for being set right inh the american people upon the it thole gov cumming la is of opinion that it 11 will be some time yet et before the troops will be withdrawn as he be evinces evinces bym ti ying the etc detachment of the army arn nm dow s atio rationed ned here will enjoy your ou fine mountain climate and have haie ample time la perfect that discipline for ivsich as a a corps corpa it la is gristly distinguished lied 11 perhaps these words ord aie to onvey to the mormon mind that the it army will be cl a aon urn mi 1 marmon i and will lie be every ei ery day growing 1 lag more against aga int any wani f ab lations of ill dialo ay illy ity gov gumming cumming g mentions hii having con with nh the secretary ot of ZI war oil oa tile practical practicability ab lity of nanga navigating ing the yellow stone htone river ner with nh its tribu lary fary the laig horn these rivers rivers afford lie he thinks conveyance conie ance by later to a point not over four hundred miles biles froin salt lake city the governor thinks so far as the utah blah indians indiana ire are concerned that the attempt to better etter their condition by put ting them on farms is la a failure lie ile thinks inks they cannot be made to make I 1 heir own onn bread and thai thac the people of J the ill united um ed S sates ates must feed them we benarl here that with luth some of the california indians indiana and with uth tribes eleu eleuthere here the reservation rest nation and farming fanning plan has worked well uell where the exec execl u lim ti a has haa been trusted to honest discreet and intelli intelligent gent ag agent ants we fear th that at the secret of fat failure are in many other cases has haa not been so much the i of the indian though all indians are 1 I more or less les averse to reg ulal industry is as the incompetency and faithlessness i of the goi government eminent agents it would be the plague of all political 11 governments that scarcely oie ciao office ice in in I 1 tell en is is filled la by a man inan aiho he like gov go it the governor comme commends ids the interests of common schools to the foate fostering ring care 0 f the assembly recommends he build in of if a jail and un 1 of brid bridges gres over the 19 or irrigating ditches and calls attention to the fact that the Leak laturi las asseier as never neier made provision for defraying ahe e expenses expense i of the courts court when hen sitting 1 territorial caes ca es nor for the maintenance ille and custody of prisoners the message is a plain sensible and no do doubt highly appropriate document vo republican |