Show 1 A senious JOKE joice administering I 1 CROTON OIL I 1 IN lV dvinsky insKy the barkeeper of a saloon on high street name naime oil cd patrick Al murphy urphy attempted to playa play a joke upon a hostler named john koran which came cameely very near resulting seriously to both parties it seems koran asin ism the habit of taking an occasional drop at murphys Murp hys bar A without vit hout perhaps troubling himself about his account and on wednesday c eveni engg he be put a good sized dose of croton oil in in dorans drink the victim ichim siv swallow allowed ed the stuff and called for another drink which was furnished with a still larger dose of the oil tiny any one acquainted with the nature of the drug can ilaine imagine the effect which was w as almost instantaneous koran was thrown into convulsions corn unions accompanied by violent vom i om i t 1 ng and purging arid and it became necessary to call in in medical aid dr gay attended and by the prompt adminis ration of the proper antidotes doubtless sa ed his life koran w as confined to his bed until yesterday morning when he was w as conveyed corn e ed to the office onice of J ustice justice heyl and made affidavit to the effect that murphy had administered poison to him with intent in to injure A warrant was placed in in the hards hands of constable Cons lible holt who arrested murphy at his saloon under the united states hotel ile he gave ga e security for his appearance before the justice on oil monday next when an examination of I 1 me he facts of the case will be hid had A man named wm wait and ser sei eral others were treated to doses of a similar character in n their liquor but with less serious serious effect Ar murphy urphy it is is alleged was not acquainted with the dangerous properties of the oil and only administered it to haze have a little sport at the expense of these parties and this is is probably the case as no ill will or malicious cloud purpose can be attributed to him but I 1 it t was w as at all events a very serious serious matter and a very foolish jo joke ke and it is is to be hoped this affair will teach him a lesson not to be forgotten if the intent to injure cat can I 1 be proven it is is a penitentiary tiar of offense rense the penalty being imprisonment for from three to fifteen years ears ohio statesman jan 22 |