Show an ancient ohio right upward dpn ard of a quarter of a century ago it a little affair occurred in m high lite life in in I 1 the town of us a hij ought ri t t to ie be suffered to pass iwo into oblivion tho the scene was ft as in in the front of the venerable len crable hotel kept by bob russell who with his well ft ell known colored servant sen ant dick thoroughly marked with the mall pox will not soon pass out of the mind of the surviving surviving settlers of the state mr P F y was avas attorney general of ohio and sir air L d was chief clerk in in the office of the auditor of state the united states court AA was as in session session and mr F improved the opportunity to explain to a company of constituents iri in front froit of the hotel the circumstances of EL a claim cl nm which had accrued to the sullivan heirs in consequence of the removal of the capitol of ohio from franklin to columbus in the course of his remarks remark he questioned the statements in in the auditors books mr L at once pronounced misstatement his statement alie a lie 1 I can not waive wae rank said mr F and fight this man As he proceeded to reiterate his char mr arr L pronounced him a second and a thud third time a liar when mr fabe coming much e veiled excited shouted my aly fellow citizens I 1 have con concluded clad to waive w aeve the question of rank and settle the matter at once 21 so taking off his coat he be descended descend ed from the stand and immediately received a tremendous right 11 hander bander which lodged him in in a neighboring mud hole ge getting up he received a settler which brought him to on the same spot pot A third time he be came to tho the scratch when awell directed leye eye blinder fron froni the sub auditor caused him to turn a complete and lodge him once more upon his mother earth turning his eyes round under the evi e ident impression that ho be had bad fulfilled the utmost requirements of the code and not desirous of performing any purely meritorious labors addressed himself to his physical superior as follows follow before rising 3 from this position sir sir I 1 desire to ask y 0 ou u a question do you 5 ou in intend to strike me ine if I 1 getup get upa of course 1 I do d ii you ejaculated his excited adversary then sir sir I 1 shall not getoff get off my back the spectators among them if wo we mistake not lion hon T C and judge S now interfered and the ilie belligerents IV were era separated sepe rated cire cin w |