Show it is proper to state here that col thompson on at the time lime of his arrest f finding in alp ilp it impossible for him to meet sir mr purdom at the time stipulated sent a message by dr IV C bryan br an from mr air S samuel 31 thompson stating that his brother ix was as under unde r arrest but that lie he as ready to tale take his col victor IV thompson thompsons Thomp sons s place and was nas authorized to act for I 1 him I 1 i in but mr purdom replied through dr latham his friend that no unkind feeling existed between beaw cen mr S al thompson and himself and refused to make any reply to such ines message sage the citizens c of f memphis aho tt hoere were present on the occasion occasion i will testify to the correctness of this statement I 1 have haie no comments to make the rhe public will i ill determine upon whom w horn rests the charge 0 f equivocation or the honor of ten ienna the olne olive branch P C richardson |