Show death in suiter gutter county by the california bulletin we received the thea sad news of the death deah of sylvanus Sl vanus sanborn San bora I 1 who for a long time hail had been a resident of st louis and well and favorably known there ile he was for a long time a partner of mr john hartnett the llie present secretary of this ten atory arid and v ivas as highly estee esteemed medby by the he merchants of the place in which they transacted business this will be sed ness ne is to ills his friends in in thesta the states tes we subjoin the follow ing from the flu letin on asih january sylva nus sanborn and his partner M E 11 Wil wilson stock farmers ear the lie buttee satter comity vent ent out to look iok at some lad they ON owned tied on butte creek whre wh re they intended to spend tile the night in I 1 tile the evert diening irig the mansville marysville Mars Marys ville express mr air sanborn rii took his gun tin and remarked that he v would go 0 do down n the creek and shoot some dacks ite ick that at was the last seen seea of him all alne e 1 As night came on and he did not ret return uril mr wilson became uneasy uneasy and instituted search I 1 a nacher ot of neighbors joined him next neati borni morning vi ichen hen the search i was as renewed ed san 1 horns bod body Y s found in an open space in I 1 the under tinder underbrush bru brush alsa h on the bank of oe the creek I 1 lie ile was vas lying yin on his back with his handa hajdaj I 1 f crossed over his i s breast as if lie he had placed them so deliberately ilia was lying b by y him urn and partially tinder aun him the breach bel icing 1 under the right shoulder an and t the ie muzzle le pointing bitin towai tow aids ds his feet one ne barrel wa w as discharged set arged and the other cocked the ell charge r e of the em empty I 1 barrel had struck the deceased in in the light side of the lead head and bac of the ear the he muzzle uzzle of the gun v when hen the shot was fir ed was so close that the pov powder der burned the hair hat and clothing antrom from the position of the body and gun gim and the location of tile the fatal wound vou tid it was impossible in to determine vi whether hether the shot vv was as accidental or intentional on the part of the diseased des eased either hypothesis hypo holls appears to be inconsistent inconsistent as it is exal e bally ly difficult to perceive how the ih ahot 0 t could I 1 leaie lave been fired e ei ither i ther purposely or by accident yet there i seems no 1 possibility of the shot having been fired by a nother another althere as there was no maikson another haling been present orin oran the vicinity mr BIT sa sanborn 1 orn bad oi ced his va t the vt tangled a i ee tation to the open space and it ft was a I 1 nt by v means meang of the displaced bi brushwood uslie and weeds that the eis were led to the I 1 dead body had there ben been another person V with alth him it seems there would hai haie e been abundant abunda tit evidence of it sanborn v was as in easy circumstances happy in in his domestic relations relation blessed with mith a wife and two children a d so far as his family arid and most intimate friends know li hi M rin nn earth earthly IY caad fau ifan tn lay violent hands upon himself there was mas nothing ill I 1 g rn in ins his of habits ter tending ding to alienation of mind or attacks of melan chrly these are arguments against the supposition of suicide besides it is as d to understand how the shot could have haie been fired by his 0 own n hand as by accident tile the coroners Coron erB iguest in aest may solve the in mystery at present suri bounding the matter |