Show 0 the easten mall mail has not arrived up to this hour we have held on until patience ceases to be a virtue 1 in the hope that it would come in and having been sucked suck ed cil in once we vre will not be any ciny more inore from all accounts the snow storms have been ter terrible riblet still we think that the contractors have not paid that attention to it that the tha nature of the service re requires aires last week a nan man by the name os of II Iru had stolen a mule from froin mr staunton was killed at weber A party of gentlemen who were going to port fort bridger Brid gerand and n allol ho recognised recognized the animal gave tile the hint alien he undertook to tun run and was shot judge we ne understand opened his court at provo on last tuesday lues day we hai bai e not yet received recen ed his charge to the grand jury bat ba debt r tot ot it will be worthy of his reputation bibich he be has long sustained sustan cd as a jurist and a fairless irless fe man the mail has hag not cot arrived on time we reiterate our challenge and ami are authorized to increase it ten fen thousand tho usami dollars dollari morr that the Cent central kat or salt lake route is the kt to 0 o the pacific As dean swift said eaid upon 0 on his bis memorable me charity sermon when brevity wag roul ro aired red it if you like lika the carity down with the idt owe perceive by the last mail that the california legislature has flattened out broderick arid and condemned him in in the 1 e cx manner this ills we thin think was duo to their dignity as a state and vindicates california it may not be our put pat and vve tte may be ba thought to be wringing tn in but vie maist say aliat this action of 0 the califor I 1 inia nia suits us to a lot dot the foli lofting extract we copy fro from malate a late california exchange it will v ill be b seen been by bv our car legislative e proceeding 1 1 1 ill that hat the resolutions regulations introduced by mr air 1 1 n in the senate in regard to the conduct d act of mr Brode Bro denck ricky passed the asaf assembly bly by a i vote ote ff f 53 ia aves to IJ 19 noes they were first passed by the senate by a vote of 23 ayes aes to 9 noes the legislature ins has acted in fit ibis matter in a proper r an and I 1 dignified man rb arr r land and has taken broje the horrible 0 r din raised by t the lack black republican press very iery cooly that array a are ala 0 f dictators must feel very iiii much iet tatt gerej e at t the result of at their r racket tins this action of the members was VAS necessary to place the state in a proper position the pacific railroad bill at th the last batet had bad got through the senate in some gome shape or form the fact is that to us tolls folks in the rocky mountains it is hard to keep up with con zah ea wo wa to horse and mule male stealing is 13 still tha rage one lay day last week it ilot lot of horses belonging to mr air win vim 11 II kimball vere mere taken from stansbury stanbury island in in salt like lake by the indians In diar but were discovered chile crossing the slough and retaken again we are a law and order man a d 1 would not like to give agn e bad advice but we e do ahli k that independent of this instance that in in 1 this territory where the people depend so much upon their stock that a little hemp v vituld oil id be beneficial let it be around the necks ks of either mormon gentile or indian cifor CT for the benefit of our friends in in america v e will a ill merely remark that snow for the last week eel has been the prevailing characteristic act of this latitude and even now novi another storm is 13 brewing A washington correspondent of the new york arlt tribune says sa i that the reason ti the ie opposition in congress are opposed to the admission ision of oregon is is because by her state constitution ution free negroes and mulattoes are not allowed to settle there if they consider that a reason oregon should not come into the union they ought abt to go tor for turning indiana and illinois out because their laws sanction tile the very same principles lias has not oregon the right to adopt the laws of andl ana and illinois 1 tins this reason is is hom however ever all false if H oregon had elected two republican i united states senator benator a instead of two I 1 democrats they would vot lobeto to to admit ler her quick enough agy sojourning in in the elegant and most moat hospitable mansion mansion of ur dr 11 1 last week I 1 was auditor of 0 the following dialogue dia loue between III ahr doctor and his hi I 1 youngest youngest boughter doug dough ter a beautiful child of f six or seven years cars the father waa via winding his watch when hen he said playfully to the girl let me wind your nos tip api upi no said aid the chided 1 I dow doi want my nose noe wound up for I 1 don t want it to run all day there wis was lome ame merriment for a few moments in in that vircile vir rp vile lo nabeil it wu was sunday |