Show Thear 1 notice r CAMP arioto ad maice 1809 wo we are perry borry to state that in couse of the severe indisposition of mrs tuckett we the has been closed for a week it wa was a arvo it opened pealed on saturday the gebru arr ay iy with a comic drama the pride ot of the market I 1 i according to ta the tha placard tho the curtain should rissi ria at half past 7 but the audience wearied and impatient were w ere kept in suspense until nearly 8 and then the n only to witness an exhibition v which aich it 1 is painful to us to record I 1 with one or two exceptions the performers seemed equally oblivious of their parts and a climax was put bothem to the w hole by iy ay the conduct of mr lee we should be sorry to do injustice to parties who usually perform well veil they may have had their spirit damped bythe by the above circumstance which renders their omission excusable but the audience testified it their 1 air estimation of the performance by an alm almost ost unanimous groan this is the I 1 first time this ibis has occurred and we hope siope it may be the last the farce of boots at the swab was the mr warren as boots was very good this character is quite in his line less rs white and thatcher contributed greatly to the success of the on wednesday event eveni g the pride of the I 1 market was repeated several alterations took place in in the casap which were as follows marquis de Volan gge mr 11 II R thatcher baron Trop tard 11 0 L baldwin Cheva lierde belleville warren dubois de deland I 1 and isidore ravine 11 R C white whit mademoiselle deV olange I 1 miss wi marton mrs tuckett javotte lougee mr thatcher as the lanuis looked and acted the character well w ell mr baldwin in wa v as a good representative of baron Trop tard mr BIT carien wan en performed pe formed the chevalier de belleville much better than we anticipated it is is not quite in in his line isidore by mr white who was very well w ell received lie he acted v with ith great sprit and discrimination and was repeatedly called for ac the conclusion mademoiselle de colange miss whitlock k per performed f orm ed this character chai chat acter better titan than any in in which we have hae et ct seen her mrs tuck tuckett ett as marton displayed displaced great vivacity and a thorough appreciation of the part javotte mrs hirs lougee this is is exactly the style of character bibich suits her it was very we well it acted after which mr air baldwin gare are us a stump speech it created no excitement the performance concluded with the firce farce of the irish attorney pierce Ol allara lara in in the hands of mr air shavey shaw was every thin thing that could be desiree desi rec it was the life of the piece the other characters did not seem well up in in their parts which nade it go off rather flat we are happy to learn it is to be repeated with a very ery strong cast we have the sartie same fault to find on this occasion in the curtain not rising until after 8 we think it bad policy on the part cf f tile the management to trespass on the indulgence of the audience people biow i ow do not think it m worth orth while bile to come at the time appointed as they feel certain from experience tile they y will have to wait punctuality would ifould soon set this right the house was very thinly attended 11 DRAMA |