Show THO THOMAS S WILLIAMS Ari ORNEY al LAW will practice in all the courts or especially it in the U S cc C arts and an t supreme court lie hen will give efficient attention to all professional en OFFICE CE wet west side elile of last east temple st at opposite miller ruspel cos cops store 0 1 L city nov astore 1858 iff 1 t LAW wrice NOTICE A LEXANDER WILSON wilbon U S at Alo torney rilly tor for utah territory will attend promptly to professional nal business In trusted to him aluce with alth dr formy finty Super superintendent ot or indian a affairs ff ra r G S L C city ity 1 17 7 it BEING EING desirous of closing out our extensive stock of liquors liquor we v III hereafter sell the best beat st louis reclined chiky whisky at three dollars and fifty cents per gallon other bolh r liquors liquor in an lon MILLER RUSSEL 6 CO 0 16 tf SALT LAKE MOUSE HOUSE TO Prop prices of board board boar land and lodging per week 12 1260 60 board wl without tbt lodging 1000 10 00 hoard rd per day 2 6 60 0 supper breakfast and lodging lo 10 dg ing 2 00 s ar 1 00 A n 1 1st ast dispir P night hay so and 4 grain 2 00 payments to be do I 1 lid ce 16 3 L ai A CARR booksellers STATIONER stationery STATION ERS R S AND BLANK BOOK no 19 49 main street ST LOUIS MO AIO KEEP constantly on hand all the ho ks grahim grammars p geobra poles philosophies reading I 1 books histories diction ac n w 1 in ue c halh they offer at the LO LOWEST W PRICES their stock or 0 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC stationery BLANK BOOKS i PRINTING AND WRITING PAPER lies has been selected with the greatest care and Is equal to any in the west haringan Ha having an EXTENSIVE BINDERY attached bed t to their establishment they are prepared to manufacture facture all kinds of blank books to order aud and at the 14 tt tf MILLER RUSSELL go CO WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GROCERIES HATS AND CAPS STINES 5 CIGARS ac THEIR stock consists in in part of the following w articles viz tea coffee chewing Che iving tobacco sugar deot spice ice smoking tobacco powder shot playing cards pepper mace cinnamon nutmegs Nut megs caps ac ac pale cognac brandy drand monongahela whisky dark do do bourbon do new york do rectified do gin port wi wine e feacy GI GROCERIES 0 CERIES french mustard mixed pickles durham do assorted do assorted jams do gherkins do jellies piccalilli Pic colilli do syrups pickled onions do cordiali cordials Cor ort dials hals tomato ca catsup brandy peaches walnut catsup do cherries mushroom catsup do pears ca cayenne e pepper Ass sorted west wes t India Cellery seed sed preserves preserve spanish oldies rhubarb pie fruit pepper sauce peach do assorted iso arted sauce A apple gle do do nat preserves blumb b do capers Ca pottes raspberry do natural presed pines gooseberry do roast at T rl 11 blackberry brandy roast oa chicken agy raspberry a aber brandy string beans rr fresh e sh lo 10 lobster ster green gree peas pickled do do corn fresh clams assorted herbs mince meat do sweetmeats Sweet meats sausage meat natural preserved preserved fresh cauliflower peaches pickled do catl worcestershire sauce berries berrie sto stoughton 9 aton bitters natural preserved fresh salmon damsons adamsons Dam sons fresh tomatoes Alush mushrooms moms french pickles A spara grus hostetter bitters T a rr gon vinegar bakers do fields oysters le dwards do cove do royal windsor do pine apple cheese maraschino a r a bino olive on oil C curacao Cu r a 0 assorted candies Absy b s nth R raisins scot scotch h ale A almonds london 0 o po porter r english walnuts Sch eidam schnapps brazil nuts golden gr grape ape cognac figs old virginia Peach Dates brandy prunes aln mountain dew whis pecans ky crackers family supplies cra Cras knells morning call E D cheese indian Queen Madena also a large and well selected stock of clothing hats and caps gents boots Shoes Hardware ladies shoes notions woolen gloves 1108 hosiery do li mitts litts 13 buck k gloves do do mitts mitt stationery ac do Gaunt letts all of which c le they offer upon the lowest terms for cash or country produce G S L lacity city dec let 1858 tf A CARD 0 S L city nor the undersigned undersigner under signed would mos most t hit ahron citizen citizens of utah that they are till doll bolig g bia i 11 ll 4 slid anil well known stand in 11 4 ll it tb their iId old great salt 1 til w here the most desirable goods adapted to ill beell t of 0 the people may always be founds thy they I 1 1 I 1 established a house at camp floyd where ill y 11 stalo of a a kept here may be babad had at thes 0 form rates it irmay syb be an R object lor alioe f taimi ka ing south to know that they can procure 11 thrle h at camp floyd at the sale prices price as a they the v a w at in this city thankful tor for former onner patronage extended kyn h al pie of 0 this territory they would continuance of the same al in the courso course of 0 ten days we w e shall bell be able to lator our ir with certainty concerning our expected 1 tt L X CO hilt U S mail lille prom pi st to great om joseph salt loke lal cn NOTICE is is hereby given that pa 1 I gers 9 will not be carried by us on an any M 8 this mall mail route until further notice n e ll 11 and that t abe 11 C and conductors the route roule it on are fota i fr from taking il pit sence ni on any coln I 1 wee liona iiii al J M COI co feb by P K datoon do we ill 0 ua NT VERNON v ERA oar I 1 AT CAMP FIE FLOYD OYD territory CHARLES TRAVELERS towy and boarders can call always b bo accommodated c dated dt ed with the be thaw market affords and neat and comfortable appart sill P S sit farmers rn er will be pd paid the highest cah I 1 in tor r all 11 kinds lid ot f country produce rl it tt it I 1 EW GOODS JUST received a full stock of staple ej GOODS selected expressly for this market 1 tt if GILBERT alfr kaist sto la 10 heidi 1 td STRAYED or stolen from point oi of 0 U west mountain awl I 1 wl 10 ach 11 an horse br branded JR on it alie griea th tha bonore lo 10 tf 1 RADFORD CABOT t k CO FOR SATE SALE T LAGER AGER beer and ate ale in lots to te I 1 bull it purchasers manufactured arct d by me mono bolfe 13 0 o RADFORD CABOT L C CO 0 allf 10 if roii FOR SALE ONE thousand head 0 of sti SHEEP in inloe lots to stilt purchaser seri I 1 will t take k I 1 in alth rig k th them wheat oats and barley CHARLES MOCO 10 tr tf hot spring B brind D W BAYLIES SO f WOULD respectfully inform them thea or this aitt t and d lamp hoyd adt 1 have jut t received the ew h a 1 I itar luto W watch a tell material and will promptly prompt rc repair air an any y otan or other jewelery committed to their carr care harl stebbins ns at the SI lial gt kinkea ill I 1 1 their agent at camp floyd belll an 1 will 1 and receive all watches placed edin in his it handa till imell charge for 0 S I 1 eniy J january ry bid 0 1 9 10 if CHAS celaa MAURICE SMITH ATTORNEY Y and counsellor AT LAW G great salt take cit city utah T 11 2 lr S ATTORNEY AND IT AT ld jr office coffle C council ell H giouse st opposite op polte mill miller k tore ore 2 11 RADFORD 1 CABOT CO WHOLESALE E aa AND 1 RETAIL DEALERS GROCERIES DRY GOODS INDIA GOODS ETC at the old stand of 0 mr howard great salt SAL J W cOAt aby A FEW aig light gli ka lanyon ny 0 n dacons t va ia cons ns for sai by iff l lt E I 1 P f it ES f 1 0 0 N elarge HE BAR is is now furnished etli JL barfie and choice lot ot of liquor n anit tc I 1 chased with will great care anil 1 I to which the those WHOLESOME refreshments Is rd called 2 tl tf JOHN M walle WAITER A FEW good mules in in exchange iw for woodworking good Working cattle apelt 2 tf GURRIS 11 HOT SPRING WE E will endeavor to furnish perlor malt liquors of the above estabel th in to suit pin pill chasers I 1 S AU ALY PORTER andon and our bot to cost customers eailler at the brewery or ml ow bei be r saloon 1 in cn camp plod hoid I 1 OR OB TRE accommodation OF we have opened dining rooms booms tit at the breedl Bree nl meals leala can be procured at all hours we have secured a good supply of hy hay and cali an attenni 1 1 1 11 ile or WA OUR in of the hlib f ow 1111 u and the diali tilly tt if arm S single meals IM 06 supper b bieak fait and led lodel nt fill il for 1 animals I or a single ed 0 ha arr fenili 0 c hay and grain 44 10 I 1 and nd double thoe prices for teed feed over U X B the highest cast cash par pisces P pall I 1 for bral bat and for produce of 0 all kinds dal d at artlie the ba B omoro B BURR mn ilS ac not cpr w point of M mountain south of acm cl ty COW STRAYED 0 ON N the october last a smally Ein allio oling light red led COW white alte face tare and a t takli IR nal a na hit au be horns mail we was gi ing 11 S abr I 1 think in k elie was branded attwood tn the orew hor not tt certain ln please lease bring her ber to curtla E F Boltri ii za ward rd G S L city opposite the school kiil well rewarded WORK CATTIE E 1 1 00 YOKE of work cattle alei gd JW working condition tor for stile sale by l 1 tt lt berill so MILLED RUSSEL aei CO 0 wholesale I 1 choles le and retail dealers i FOREIGN DOMESTIC hoots boots shoes hats C 5 WINES AND AID 10 d talling goods generally are now ro rec I 1 ia jill most complete te stock ot of goods good in in t their heir 11 line ali been brought to this territory will w alch ath they 70 offer 1 to low figure lor for babli or cr Cou latry produce 1 tt |