Show tho gamblers of the united states have recently held a convention it at chicago Chi eago every state vas as depre ened Altho although urh chis is is a gathering of hard haid cases modally the democrat describes tha appearance of ill the delegates as highly respectable A finer aner looking mckinl set of men we e have never neer seen thab thaia they arc taken lalen upon the average crae ai they the are all fat and are wel cellery lery very well hell dressed ili essed with jewelry in in abundance and some of them are said to be what their looks indicate men of talents there will be two important matters to como come up tip before the convention mennon co one will mill be the revision of the old rules and the adoption of new ones for the various lanous games the rules are construed differently in in different states several lives have been lot lost in in broils arising from I 1 this diali differences difference arence 1 in in their interpretation uniformity of construction is is demanded by all the delegates the other will be the interference noninterference non of professional i gamblers gambler 9 I 1 in in po 41 it t Cs tb ere billbo vill ill bo a vory very warm debato debate upon twe jeet |