Show the intricacies of the code honor by the follow mg account and correspondence ponde pon dence ce it will be seen how very ver intricate ca te and nice and we w e may say how hov very ery childish and foolish are the various various and quibbles chich sometimes arise aris between individuals who recognize the code of honor as at present established in in the southern and southwestern astern states it appears bathis by this thata that a newspaper controversy control ersy arose between sir mr I 1 victor ic i r IV thompson editor of the lexington Alis missouri and mr J J den benson editor of a paper at the conclusion of which the latter sent a ch allange allane to the former through mr R 11 II purdom editor of the jaclson jackson miss eagle odthe mr thompson refused to meet denson on the ground that lie he did not come up to the standard of a reco recognized b the code and thus it it was vi as rendered by the same ame law obligatory gowhe on the part ot of purdom to call thompson out and the challenge challe rip was accepted the fight was to haw have taken place in 1 11 arkansas Ar Lanas opposite Al memphis emphis tenn at 10 on the morning of the dinst but on his way to the field thom thompson was arrested and held in in custody custod this was certainly annoying anno ing but to prevent any disappointment on the part of purdom who v was as on the ground at the appointed time another thompson brother of the first principal was sent to tale take his place pace bychich by which event erent if the code had been strictly carried out a deadly conflict would have hai e ensued between samuel 11 thompson and R H purdom without a particle of bitter feeling on the part of either while the reil real cause of difficult difficulty which would lead to it was between V IV thompson and J J denson but mr purdom refused to fight thompson number two tw 0 and with his hi Is friends left the ground the details le tails of the aff affair air will be found in in the following the friends of mr purdom E latham and J B Mc mcaffee Afree publish the correspondence leading to the difficulty and add we ive reached Al memphis emphis on saturday morning last for the purpose of meeting mr Thou thompson ipson at his own appoint ment apprehending an arrest ws we pm aloyed pl oyed skiffs last night and crossed the mississippi river this morning before san sunrise rise and were at the p place macelong lac elong long bemire and for an hour after the time into ap painted mr thompson failed to ap bear acco according dinar to appointment it was lather either his fault or his misfortune no matter wh at was the reason we are relieved by t he code from any blame in the premises as the time and place were both of his selection on the other side the fol following lowin card appears in accordance with previous arrange ident my frimd friend col victor IV thompson repaired to Al memphis emphis on saturday last mr purdom and friends arri arriving vinn in advance of us the intelligence that a hostile meeting was to take place between mr R H purdom and colonel thompson had preceded us and it was well understood that such a meeting was to come off before we reached the city on sunday following four fou r of the prominent citizens of Al memphis emphis applied to myself and dr latham the friend of mr purdom requesting us to suspend hos tili ties with the view and hope of settling the matter between Aless rs thompson and purdom which request was assented to by parties that the interview should take place in arkansas opposite Ar memphis emphis at ten on monday dinst the rumors ef cf the pending difficulty which had reached memphis before our arrival put the th public authorities on the alert and accordingly my friend colonel V IV thompson was arrested on the boat while in the act of leai leaving in ah this is city for the arkansas shore lie was a taken take before esquire horne home with a view of binding him to keep the peace but the evidence not being sufficient to justify such a proceeding edin he was discharged at half past ten and immediately proceeded to the arkansas shore when he met mr purdom in the act of leaving ng col thompson stopped stepped upon the bank and proclaimed aloud that he was then upon the ground and ready to meetor meet mr purdom and that if be purdom left without out giving M him thompson satisfaction fac he denoun ed him purdom as a cowarde cowardly y poltroon after which colonel thomison thomsen cn apt went aboard of the boat and insisted upon D Dr r lath Latham in that tha t lie he and hiis his principal should remain fo 0 o which urgent rge request eq he relieved received no reply |