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Show DEFEATS ENGLISH AGAIN. Miss Sutton Plays Faultless Game in Prcsenco of Royalty. LONDON, June 20. May Sutton of California, in the all-J'higland lawn tenuis championship games at Wimbledon Wimble-don todav, beat Miss Morton. 2-0. The scores: G-0, (5-2. Miss Sutton played a faultless gamo and did not give her opponent a chance. Tho X'rinco and .Princess of Wales worn present, Tho Princess froqueiitlyapplaudcd the brilliant bril-liant strokes of the American player. Miss Sutton has decided to go to Canada and compute in the. championships champion-ships there at'tliu conclusion of her visit to lOnglnnd, Tho doubles wero interrupted by a 1 liundcrHtorni while a match was progressing pro-gressing between Meals C. Wright and J"Cnrl II. Belir, and A. W. Core and .Roper Barrett. Jt stood eiffilt games in'all when play was abandoned. The teams drawn for lite Davis cup contest are J teals C. Wright, Karl Jl, Hehr and W. .1. Clothier, Americans; Norman Brookes, A. K. Willing. Los. Poidovan and Or. Sharp, Australians. Play will Jjcgin July K!., |