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Show GHOST FAILS" TO WALK Fll THEPLAYEB FOLK Laura Fran ken field's Company Refuses Longer to Put on "A Fight for Honor." .Vi-m a . v-r. v H-. 4 I I . . . . 4 "X; nay. no work,'' is a y 4 mnx'ny that appeals forcibly In 4- 4 eleven members of the Ijaura 4- 4 Frankcnfield company that has 4- 4- been playing at the Grand 4 4- theater for several days. 4 4- necause James H. Morrison, 4- 4- leading man and manager of the 4 r company, has failed for two 4 4 KuecessiVo weeks now to pass 4- 4- arouud to eacli member of tho 4- 4- company the little envelope con- 4- 4 taining'thc weekly salary, mem- 4- I- bers of the company have been 4 I- unable to settlo tlieir bills for 4 4 board and keep, and the sev- 4- 4- oral landlords and landladies 4 4- have become rather insistent for 4 4 their money. 4- 4- Tho actors and actressos, Fri- 4- 4- dav night, failed to go on the 4 4- boards, and there was no show, 4- 4 as a result of the failure of Ihe 4 4- ghost to walk. The manage- 4 4- inont of tho houso refunded the 4- 4- monov to thoso who had bought 4 4- tickets for Friday night's per- 4- 4- forma nee. Tt was said by tho 4- 4- management that there will be. 4- 4 no performances this afternoon 4 4- or tonight. 4 4- According to certain members 4- 4- of tlie company, which has been 4 4 plaving the five-act melodrama, 4- 4- 'A" Fight for Honor," for a 4- 4- week, two weeks' salary is duo 4- 4- each one. They have spoken to 4- .t- fhn m:m;ii'er. Mr. M"orrisou. 4 about the matter, but he says 4- -I- that he hasn't the money, and 4- 4- is unable to get it for thorn 4 4- iust now. Tho actors are very 4 4- frank in -asking Mr. Morrison 4 r for their pay, and he hands it 4- ! back to them. He is not adver- 4- 4- tising what he is going to do 4 4- over the matter in the news- 4 papers. J" The management of Ihe Grand r 4- announced Friday night that 4- 4- the- play atttiacted good houses. 4- - Manager Enimick said ho is -r contemplating bringing a big 4- - musical company here from Chi- 4- 4- cngo soon. 4 ,.4..;...VH--I--HK--r-'4-4-l-r4-4"5'4- |