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Show ifen Parmer's Wife W(ul about her churn. Sha thoroughly aftflf using, and gives nMikth to sweeten it. She knows wcJiurn is sour It will taint tho tyUniade In it. Tho stomach Is In the stomach and dlcestlvn fBufl tracu arfi performed pro-RI pro-RI arc almost exactly Ilk" thr of butter. Is It not'appareni flMKlf this siomttch-ehtirn Is foul :'t Vlall whicli is put Into It? W ff a foul stomach Is not alone ttttfa tho mouth and the foul Rwbylt, but the corruption of "rnntof blood and the dlssem-jse dlssem-jse throughout tho body. H1 Golden Medical Discovery B?"ir and foul stomach sweet, R-?,slQriinch what' tllQ wa?llll!C Jw do for ti-churn absolu tely J6 tolnt'ng or corrupting e!e-P e!e-P way It cures blotches. ""Pflons. scrofulous swellim?;. n eating ulcers atid all Baufes arising from bad blood. SVe bitter, nasty, foul taste in Wt wated tongue, foul breath. BiRd easily tired, fcol depressed PWent.havo frequent headaches, ifan!'B5aw,"e or (Iistrot8 In stonv mlir. or Irregular bowels, sour mings after eat Ins and poor or any consider-X consider-X fm l,f,ra-1 11(1 ,CJl te that you a re th? ,w"0piP3s, torpid or lazy JgPOpsIa and their attendant MgrgAJJjMTUioaDOve svmntoina MMayrn1 harmoniously llvnr,rlls.ls absolutely true iV Tu 8,1 S; Postal card request 'M.,?-18 bnMm of extracts from IKi3?ii1ca authorities. clvinK lMN'd.l"ih? '"Solents emerlng I ,P(i mfdlelnes and shov-of shov-of omlnent medical muii Salte2BES23BaE5CSK5h Sou use 1 Rusler's I f Hfivery-day, ucces- I ElJ,jit has made good f lng good bread, j Build Up Your System USE ! MAKE-MAN TABLETS Brain, Blood and Nerve Food, fiOc a Box. A. C SM3T51, Prescription Druggist, 142 Main. Fones 463. . . . j . . Sozodont SKon The mark of the Highest-Grade Highest-Grade Dentifrice, the standard stand-ard in every country in the world, is SOZODONT. i TALKS ON TEETH By B. I. BEX, M. D., D. D, S. LOOSf TEETH j! The most dreaded disease of the . dental profession is Alveolar I?v- orrhea. commonly known as Riggs Disease. J Tn such cases the gums become i congested, recede -from the teeth,1 causing them to become loose and , in time !o fall out. ( Most dentists, in fact, we might j say ALL dentiststhrow up their j hands when such a case comes be-fore be-fore I hem and declare there is no I remedy for the "loose tooth" vie-!' tim. , They can only suggest the j "pulling" cure, and as a conse-1 (juence many an unfortunate is : wearing a whole or partial plale! today by reason of such ignorant I advioe. ! It seems a pity. Teeth perfectly ; sou nd just ' LOOSE. V 10 C U R 13 ! SUCH CASES AND. GUAR AX-j TEE TJIE WORK. N When we make this statement j we are fully aware 1 hat almosl ' every other dentist in town will want to argue, the question with j us and enter a firm denial that Riggs' Disease can be cured. "Why not? Simply because I hey j have tried and ailed. -j That won't do for an answer, j Tf YOU have some loose teeth, i and want a practical demonstra-1 tion of our ability to cure the cause and make the gums strong I and healthy again, it is only a short walk to our office. It will be an easy matter to make us "fish or cut bait." Tho examination is absolutely free. A few 3'ears ago Marconi came j before the world and said ho could j send messages through the air Avif bout the aid of wires. Every telegraph operator in the land said, "Nonsense, it can't be done." But Marconi did it, and is doing it today. We shall go a step further and make a broader claim for our method of curing loose leeth. If you have two or more leeth in either jaw, whether tight or loose, we will not out' tighten the loose ones, but will build teeth around them and give you a full set that will look, feel and to all in ten Is and for all purposes be t he same as those that nature gave you. "WITHOUT USING A PLATE. With these teeth you will be able to chew beefsteak or anything olac you care to eat, and got all the enjoyment en-joyment you used to get when .you had all your natural tcth. Now, if this statement 13 f rue it is remarkable. Such a thing had never been attempted attempt-ed before we patented the process. It is so rcniakablo that we are not surprised sur-prised sometimes at the doubting Thomases who come here and demand proof before thoy will have tho work done. Wo are glad to give von the PJ?OOF. DON'T, we beg of you, don't al-low al-low a singlo loose tooth to bo nullod without first lcttiug us look at it. Save ymir teeth. Wo will help you. Sand for Dr. Box's book, "Alveolar Dentistry, ' which goes into details. It is FEEE. But where possible, come to our offices and lot us look your tcath i over. This is froo, too. j REX DENTAL CO.,: 107-108-109-110 Mercantile Annex, over Walker's Dry Goods Store, SaltLako. Can Now ; l Fill Ordss Promptly. ' Central Coal & jj Coke Co. ! "At tho Sign of tho Peacock." j Phones 2600. S8 So. Main. j I I I l 22-27 EAST FIRST SOUTH ST. j I j Is flie one wrd ISiaS describes Site following.- I I I - HOBART M. CABLE, STYLE "S" ; A Most Remarkable 4th of July S-j M Safie of Highest Grade Pianos! I I We have arranged with Hobart M. Cable Piano Co. to offer the newest 1907 1 model rich-toned, most artistically constructed. 1 On tho Very Easy Terms of I I $1 Powiii aiad Tntereafteir Only $2 a Week j I g This is without a single exception the very greatest and best piano oppor- 1 I (unity you have heard of in many a. day ' I Mememfeer TMls Sale is lor a Short Time Only 1 H S fo do not wall. Conic to the Dayncs-Romncy Wnrorooms and secure one oC these beautiful rich-toned Pianos at this H B phenomenally low price. There is only a limited quantity, nnl w will book no orders al this price after July 3rd. 'A I These Newest 1907 Model Celebrated Tone-Lasting Hoba.rt M. Cable Concert Grand Upright Pianos i Have Reached the Highest Pinnacle of Piano Perfection. I Thoy aiP built on the rnmc nrtlstic llnofi. ami fire porfortion In piano construction. They arc pinnos thRt will last a. m 3 llftlm; onro vein sue them you will have no other: for there Is noibing tn co.mil thorn, even nt double our price. It Ip a M i piano that will" b a joy and pleasure to your home forever. In Flylc. qunllty, eonstruellon. workmanship, tone and dur- M C ability ihev nre uuurpaseJ. H g Their improved repeating action Is the finest in the world and Is guaranteed for twenty-live years. M U In Tonal Quality the Hobart M. Cable Piano is Pre-eminent. In Construction It is Without a Rival. 9 t In artistic designing and makeup there is no piano In the world at anywhere near or even double our price that can H ' equnl them. It Is conceded to be tho bent piano over manufactured. They are constructed on tho highest plane known In n H plano-bulldlng of the very best materials that can lie procured. o rpU0 arfi 1,10 newosl 'n design. They arc bird's-eye maple lined, made of the finest double veneer. They aro ar- 13 I - tlstlcally Carved. In fnct, they copiparc with any 5500 piano of any make. They contain the very finest re- 3 CaseS pea tins: nclion. full copper wound strings In the bass, keyr, are of the finest selected Ivory, sharps are patent H covered and smooth as plnss; sixteen-pound hammers, best In the world, mode of the finest felt; they have three solid fl fv brass pedals and continuous hinges, new Improved sounding boatd, the pins are all brushed, or tho very best work- S manshlp; the backs arc let in and dustproof. ? They are Pianos Built to Last a Lifetime. . I H ! We these benutlful. celebrated, tone lasting Hobart M. Cabl" Concert. Grand L'prlght Pianos, including new stylo Hu IH (J)jjcgf stool and new style rubber cover and beautiful embroidered silk s--arf. n , I For a Short Time Only at $285. " I I t on our liberal payment plan of $10 down and $2.00 per week ff you make your selection early the plnno will be ready jj for immediate delivery and will be delivered to your homo upon payment of $10. 1 We Charge No Interest for Time Taken in Making Payments. We Do Not Charge for Insurance and 1 I There Are No Extras to Pay Whatever. $285 THAT'S ALL. I If you secure on of these beautiful pianos aj 52R5 you get It at prb-e which is fj i About Viz Its Value. You Save From $140.00 to $240.00 H u Pinnos delivered within cltv limits will be kept In tuno for one year free of oharge. 19 " These pinnos arc guaranteed for 10 years. A fnc-simllc of this guarantee Is given with every Concert Piano. J WHAT MR. DAYNES SAYS: if I it Our Herbert M. Cabin Concert Pianos are th finest that skilled labor con build. The design is original, beautiful 1 "r and durable. They contain many Improvements not to be found In ony .other makes of piano. They will Fatlsfy tho 1 !) most critical music ians. They aro creations tn piano construction and i l,r tLt-iinnc r4- T2in-nr Ri fil rliri rr We do not know of a piano on the market of any other 1 S Masterpieces Of rianO UUtiaillg malte at double the price we are going to offer these I 1 nlanos for Mint can equal them In tone, durability, beauty of design and workmanship. In my opinion thev are the. 5 'J pink of porfflctlon in tho ptano line. They are as perfect a piano us skilled labor, money and brains enn make. Z The opportunity we are offering the public should appeal to every family wanting n line piano, for h.-ro we offer K P ou a chance to so.-uro the hlghit and finest grade plnno In the world at a very small price. Jt Is an opportunity 3 A iarely hoard of, where one can purchase the hlgneat gnido piano nt about f 1 One-Half Its Value, JiK' on s,,ch very llb5,al ler,ns aP orfor- 11 wm cromo the sreale!,L pi" I Our Mobart M. Cable Concert Pianos are renowned for their tone-lnstlng quail- I a ip their bauty and durability. If one wishes to seJure ono of the highest grade, sweetest toned pinnos manufac- 3 4 lured, this is a rlcli opportunity. Q Unbar! Til. Cablo Concert Pianos are In ihc homs of some of our most prominent American families, as wn an I p3 the studios of our most celebrated musicians. Hobart M. Cable Concert Pianos aro entirely original In style and ap- 3 peal to everynuo who wants the highest grade piano. 1 "3 Their tone-lasting qualities are one of the main featnios. The lono being rich, mellow and resonant, the touch Is ) exceptionally elastic and responsive. Hobart M. enable Concert Pianos will hold their tone Jonger than any other pi- fl ano manufactured In the world; In fact. Ihey aro pinnos built to last forever. H T?.i-, r,.-, r-n Exchnnse your old plnno for one of fTt'aa To v?Cy purchaser of a piano who brings U ' HiXCllni&i these beautlrul, new. up-to-date Con- - 1 this advertisement with them we will give. s cert Pianos -and pav any balance on tho easy payment I fre of charge, during Ibis Fourth of July Piano Sale, a H fi plun of 52.00 per week. I handsomehoir back stool. i t j. r1.,f Come tomorrow sure and mak a selection of tlio Greatest Plnno Values In the world. 5 UOIl I XJeiaj'i rpon request a representative will call. m DAYNES-R0MNEY MUSIC CO. , I 2-27 East First Soutls I I |