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Show HIGH-GRADE RED ITAUII 111 Biiigiiani Amalgamated Has Very Rich Resources in Xew Pari of Group. CARRIES HIGH GOLD AND COPPER VALUES Thirty to Forty Per Cent Copper Cop-per Is the Content of the Ores. If tlio present indications are lo be taken as a criterion wFtli wliicli to ;judj?c the future, it Avould look as if the Bingham Amalgamated company was on the verge of becoming a shipper of high-grade copper ore before tho season passes into history. This organization, it will be recalled, is the owner of tho Illinois group of claims in Bingham, and also of the control of the Copper Glance property, and it has been lookod upon as an exclusive milling grade proposition. General tanagcr Edmunds Ed-munds upon returning from the property prop-erty yesterday stated to The Tribune that in the new doublo-compnrtment. shaft recently started the management had encountered as rich a grado of ore as could be desired. At a not very great vertical depth last week tho management drove this working info Inss than one foot of ore that averages between 30 and -JO per cent copper, carrying an average of $7 gold ami eight ounces of silver to the ton. As the shaft has been sent down upon the same. Mr. Edmunds stales that the streak nan widened out to one foot, all of which will ruu closn to the abovo figures. This chute is going down through the porphyry, and the latter formation is highly mineralized miner-alized with copper sulphide also. This new find was registered upon fho eastern slope of the mountain, of whii'U the Amalgamated company is the owner, own-er, and brings the record bf the ground up to such a state of perfection that not a working upon the whole lorri-tor' lorri-tor' under tho control of this organizti lion is without' its ores. Mr. Edmunds stated yesterday that the management is placing a t reniendous tonnago of milling grade of rock info shape for production at the logical moment, all the present efforts of the company being be-ing bent upon opening up a typical Binghatr. proposition. The officials arc certain that this stage has already been reached, and another great Biughani proposition has been born. At. the same time the shipments that will be mado yet this year of rich copper ore will add 11 great attraction to an already splendicl property. Within the lines of thus organization are over r?00 acres of ground, located squarely upon tho great monzonito belt (hat h:w given to tho camp a Utah Copper, a Boston Consolidated, Utah Consolidated and several other great properties whose fame is world wide. Ho far the Bingham Amalgamated company com-pany is composed of local capitalists wlio arc in every way positive that they have an ideal proposition in this group. Fine progress is being made in tho new shuJ't, and Mr. ISdinunds is sanguine that a large."body of shipping rock will be opened up eventually, while tho present pres-ent rate of nddiug to tho milling-grade resource,) will bo greatly augmented as depths and thu' lateral workings at depths probo the richly-laden ground of this company. Now York Mining Stocks. Jamcsf A. Pollock & Co., bankers and brokers. 6 "Wept Second South, furnish tho following Now York minim? stock quotations, received over their prlvato wire yesterday: LISTED STOCKS. I Sales. I H. 1 L. Clso Balaklala 100 5 9 0 Newhouse ... 163 161. 163 Tent). Copper 200 38 38J 3S4 Utah. Copper 27 26 27 NEW YORK CURB RANGE. I I Sales. H. L. IClse Ely Con 100 1 1 1 Dom. Copper 300 55 52 55 fx. G. & S 650 1 13 1" Nevada Utah 300 6 5E 55 Mitchell 100 2 21 21 NEW YORK CURB CLOSE. I Old. lAsked. Newhouse 16 162 Utah Copper . 26 27 Nevada. Cons t 13 133 Cumberland Ely 7& 71 Balaklala. Sj 0 King Edward 15-16 U Nipisslne II J H Davis Daly 12J 13 GIroux .' fi 8 G. G. & Sll 1 15 Nov. Minos & r. ... :.. 23 21 Mitchell ...v 21 3 Nevada Utah 5J 5g Ely Cons 1 U Dom. Copper '-. 52 ,6J Gibraltar 33c 3Si: Tlntic 5- 53 Montgomery Shoshone .. 6 7J Butte & London IE 13 Tennessee Copper 3S 3Sj Ore and Bullion. The ore and bullion receipts for Saturday, Sat-urday, given by McConnick & Co., were as follows: Ore, $65,000; bullion, $28,-000; $28,-000; gold, $25,000. The Metal Market. The metal' quotations for Saturdav. posted by rdeCorniek & Co., were as follows: fol-lows: Silver, G7Vic; lead. .$5;75; copper cop-per castings, 221gc; copper cathodes, S2 c. Mining Notes. Ij. Hanchett, ' manager of the Ncw. house interests, has returned from a" business trip to the Colorado tunnel of the Newhouse compatvy. Word from Park City Saturday was that the Wabash company had "mado all of forty feet in tio parallel drift to thnt in which water was so troublesome. trouble-some. Tom' Oalighcr, superintendent of the New Stockton company., is in the cily from Stockton. The new Stockton has two cars of concentrates upon the local market at present. David Spritz and son, the. prominent broker of Cinicinnati, and member of the firm of Spritz, "V'oll & Company, is in the city looking after the business of clients and to .become more familiar with real mining conditions throughout Utah by a, personal inspection of. the londiucr mines- . . |