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Show CANADA BEATS US Foroign Trade Has Grown Wonderfully in Past Ten Years, The foreign trade of Cfanada, observes ob-serves a writer in the current JTarper's Weekly, has grown during the past ten years from .$2:$9;000;000 fo 5n2,000r 000, and is now two and a half times per head that of the great American republic. re-public. The expansion of her home market mar-ket is attested by the statistics of her economic prosperity. Last year her railroads, in which $1,289,000,000 are invested, carried 30,000,000 passengers and .102.000.000 tons of frtcght and earned $100,000,000. The paid-up capital capi-tal of the banks in the Dominion is $83,000,000. and the sum of their assets as-sets is $707,000,000. Tn 190a the revenue reve-nue of the Dominion was $7.1,000,000 for .6,000.000 people: in 1S55 tho revenue of the United States was but. $G5,000,-000 $G5,000,-000 for 27,000,000 people. No better proof could be afforcd .of the immensely greater purchasing power of C.'ina.da today to-day than was possessed by our republic repub-lic half a century ago. In view of ttiosa facts, it is not strange that Canada should face the future with supreme confidence. It remains t,o add that tho opening of tho short route to Europe by way of Hudson Bay a route which will ha open for five months in the year, and will shorten the distance between be-tween Liverpool and tho Western shippers ship-pers of grain 'by about 2000 miles is now definitely assured, no fewer than six railways to Port Churchill, th best of the Hudson Bay harbors, having been already chartered. |