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Show SCREENS IN CUIIEL WILL EE TORN OUT County Attorney to Bring Action Against Eight Owners of Ponds. Special to The Tribune. Oft DEN1, June 23. It was learned today to-day that Grandma. Breedcn's letter to District Attorney Gcarse Hnlvcrson was one of tho direct results from State Fish and Game Commissioner Cromar's order to Adam C. Peterson of Hunt-svillc to seine the main streams and recover flnh for his private pond to recoup him for fish that he had lost during the flood. Mr. Cromar now knows that this was In exact violation of tho State law?, and, according to Information received by officials of-ficials here, he Is now Horry he made the order. The matter was complained of to District Attorney llalverson. by Sylvester V. Grow and others who consider themselves them-selves much outraged by this official violation vio-lation of the protective measures for fish that have been passed by tho Legislature for the protection of trout. The same men Informed the District Attorn cv that there wore In Ogden valley eight Illegally Illegal-ly constructed ponds, where screens have heon placed In the channels of the streams to divert the tlsh Ihto the private ponds, fish that were hatched by tho State and planted In those streams at the expense ex-pense of the State. Sylvester Grow himself him-self planted fiO.OOO trout fry from the State fish hatchery in the Chnrloy Wood croek, and the growing AbIi from this were seined out by Adam Peterson under the authority of tho State fish and grame commissioner. The District Attorney Rtatod today that ,ho will Instruct the County Attorney to bring ncyrm ajralimt each and every one of these eight owners of ponds that are Illegal, and which the Attorney-General regards as nuisances been uae of the screens at. the lower end of each pond, that prevent the fish from descending the river, and because of the I raps nt tho upper end of ach pond, which divert the fish Into the pond. Tho District Attorney will give Instructions that tho. screens be torn out and tho ponds on the' main channels will bo destroyed. |