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Show in iiii'i s SiiiiiiB Many Futurity Candidates Are in the Barns al Lex-' Lex-' , ijigton. SENATOR BAILEY HAS TWO ' . VERY LIKELY WINNERS Evans Has Two Youngsters Going Go-ing Very Fast; Davis Has a Winner. Tribune Special Sporting Service. LEXINGTON, .June 29. Tho Kentucky Ken-tucky Breeders' Association track i3 daily the scene of much activity among the trainers who have "Futurity candidates candi-dates in tlioir- barns, and while several of the youngsters will be sent away during dur-ing the early part of July to fill engagements en-gagements on tho Grand circuit, yet a number of them will .be kept at, homo and prepared especially for futurities to bo decided at tho wind-up of tho trotting season here in October. The string of Senator Bailey eon-tains eon-tains two candidates for the 3-year-old division of tho Kentucky Futurity in Lucille Marlowe and Bankrupt, the former for-mer in the trotting division and the latter in the pacing division. Trainer Child s regards Lucille Marlowe as the equal of any filly in training at the local track. Bankrupt, by Prodigal, out of.JSckla Girl, by Wilkes Boy, 2:.1,1-2, is a pacer that has shown quarter's quar-ter's in M seconds, eights in 16 1-2 seconds, sec-onds, and ho, too, is well liked by Trainer Guilds. The 3-year-old Senator Axworthy, by Axworthy, dam Improbable, Improb-able, bv Prodigal, will be a suro starter start-er in the Kentucky Futurity this year. IIo was prepared for the 2-year-old division Inst year, but remained in tho stable because Senator Bailey was anxious anx-ious to have Lucille Marlowo represent repre-sent the stable. Senator Axworthy was owned jointly at that time .by Senator Bailey and Trainer W. A. Owings, but the latter has recently purchased Bai- iuj unurtJhu in mo norse anu win pre- Sarc him especially for the big event, wings regarded aim as the oest 2-year-old in training last year. W. W. Evans has two candidates in Peter Pan. 2. by Onward Silver II alii o Hardin, by Gambetta Wilkes, and Wil-kerson, Wil-kerson, 3, by Todd Nannine. by Ashland Ash-land Wilkes, which ho is sending along at fast clips daily. Evans has turnod the fast pacer Whitelock over to John Ilussey, who will campaign him this season, and with good luck he will undoubtedly un-doubtedly prove one of the sensations of the pacing world this 3'ear. Tho 3-yoar-old Silver Star, by Onward Silver, dam Grace W., by Comet! owned by K. B. Drake, is another which will bo prepared pre-pared especially for his engagement m the Kentucky Futurity. lie was one of the fastest 2-ycar-olds in training at the local track last, year, but went slightly wrong just before tho fall meeting and had to .be declared out of the 2-year-old division of the Futurity, but ho has now rounded to in good shape and Drake expects him to givo a good account, of himself this year. John Davis is handling the 3-year-old Laura Long, by Prodigal, dam Miss Beautiful, by Alfred W., for J. J. Ashe, of Knoxville, Tenn., aud she is another which ho,r owner and trainer look upou as tho winner of tho Futurity, and she will be pointed vfor the event Dick Curtis has shown some fast work with his -3-year-old Northern Man, by Todd, dam Gynsy Dark, by Wjltwood, Ho is a half brother to Susie N. James L. Dodge, of Paris, has a cracking good 2-ycar-old colt; by Wiggins, 2:19 1-2. dam Bourbonlight. 2:1S 1-4, bv Bourbon Wilkes. This youngster is a fialf brother broth-er to Oak Blossom, 2:12 .1-2, Lightsome, 2, 2:14 1-2, and is entered in nfi of tho futurities. Bourbonlight has proved one of tho most valuable broodmares in Kentucky, as Dodgo has sold $30,000 worth of colts from her. Besides the 2- ycar-old son of Wiggins ho now has a 3- earling filly ,by Jay McGregor and a weanling filly by Ozono, sou of Moko, both out of Bourbonlight. |