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Show TEAMS ARE SUFFERING. Three-Year Rule at University of Chicago Chi-cago Does Damage. Tribune Special Sporting Service. CHICAGO. June 20. The graduation exercises ai the University of Chicago naturally led to a look lino the futuro on the part of those who Iipvo tho love of college athletics In their hearts. By graduation grad-uation and the application of tho Western West-ern college conference three-year rule, both the football team and Hie Irnck squad have suffered to some extant. Tho eleven lost Finger and McCarihy, and the track men worb deprived of the services of McAvoy when the- diplomas wro handed out, and by the eligibility rule further ca.siialtie? were inflicted. Russell Rus-sell and Barker must quit the cinder path as representatives of the university, and of tho fool bull men. Walker. Russell. Templolon and Watson aro retired. Conch Stagg thinks of the supply of good men coming from this year's freshmen class, though, and Is not disheartened nt the football prosper!. The baseball t-nm loss coven men tliU June, and this branch of sport will require much attention atten-tion next spring. The football men will be called to the field on Sept. 20 to Indulge In-dulge In light practice until Oct. 1. and this warming up Is expected to have good results when the hard grind begins |