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Show ISLliT HELM II j FRISCO GHAFT GASES 1 AJI Preliminary Motions to Be Submitted to Court Next ' Friday Morning. SAN FRANCISCO, June 20. All tho preliminary motions made on behalf of the men accused of bribery in connection con-nection with the Board of Supervisors will be submitted . to Judge Lawlor b' Friday noxt. The trolley and telephone tele-phone cases are almost ready for submission sub-mission and the gas ca3cs only lack some of the testimony which has been given on behalf of Glnss and Jlnlsey. Attorney McEnerncy announced this morning that he could cover this testimony testi-mony by stipulating with Attorney Cobb. He 'stated when the .charges against Frank G. Drum. Eugene Dc-Sabla Dc-Sabla and John Martin wore called that he did not expect to argue the legal points raised in his motion to sot aside the indictments and to stay thc proceedings. "1 have explained lo Mr. Cobb," said he, "what wo expect to prove. It will not require much timo to formulate formu-late a stipulation covering the desired points. "There arc still some matters to be considered in tho motions made by the defendant, Glass," replied Judge "Lawlor. "Law-lor. "I would suggest tlmfc these cases go ovor until Wednesday." "With the undcrfjtHnding, " inler.-noscd inler.-noscd Cobb, "that ail the matters be finally submitted thc first thing on Friday Fri-day morning. ' ' Attorney McEnnrnoy had no objection objec-tion to this suggestion" and Judge Lawlor Law-lor gave his approval. |