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Show ma IMPROVEMENTS I I AT BRIGHTON BEACHl I Transportation Facilities Are Such as Wili Accommodate Large Crowds. Tribune Special Sporting Service. ! NEW YORK. June 2!i. When tho , irowd goes racing at Brighton Beach In ' July there will be many changes in the little track by tho son that will attract attention and admiration. They will not ilnd the old sandy approaches that sent i swirling clouds about until tho whple landscape was blurred In one tremendous . Flmoon. Instead of the sandy beach there will bo found groat la-.vns of clover. What Is of more Importance to the average aver-age racegoer Is thai ho will be able to i icncli and leave the track In comfort. He will have to patronize the B. R. 'P., but there are so many routes thai will pass tho feates thai there should be one found that would do. The field stand entrance has been moved further up tho stretch until now the fielders and those who watch the racing from the grandstand will have an etiual chance In tho rush- for trains after the last race. There will not be the same need 10 rush, for there Is a quarter of a mile of track where the trains may be parked for the race crowd. Three lines of electric trains will make the trip to the track. There is the Shoopshead Bay line, which has recently undergone extensive alterations and improvements im-provements in the way of raising the, tracks, and It will probably be tho most convenient. Then there Is the Culver route, that runs out Gravescnd avenue and also is the express line that connects con-nects with the Thirty-ninth street ferry. These "lines are supplemented by several ' trolleys that should make tho transportation transpor-tation facilities adequate. Then there Is the Long Island railroad, with Its Manhattan Man-hattan Beach train, as formerly. All these lines ran to Brighton . last season, but the rearrangement to the entrance to the field and tho facility for parking the cars and trains should work a great change for good. C. J. Fltr.gerald planned and Superintendent William Clare carried out the plans that have wrought many Important changes within the fences of tho track. So cleverly has the available space been utilized that Brighton can no longer he called the little track". It Is small only -In the fact that the oval. Is only a mile. |