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Show PROGRESSIVE ORE IS Hull JIMP METAL Company of Beaver County Markets Some Very Fine Copper Rock. While considerable interest has attached at-tached to tho inauguration of oro shipments from the Progressive Mining "company's Beaver county possessions, it was not slated by tho officials of this company until yesterday just how high the first consignment ran. To The Tribune tho information was forthcoming forthcom-ing yesterday afternoon, and the results re-sults are far beyond tho expectation of the most sanguine friend of this State district mine. Tho company received for the oro, after deducting charges for freight, sampling and smelting tho same, tho sum of $92.41 per ton for I tho first-class rock and $2(1. 50 per ton for tho socond-clnss ores. I This consignment, consisted of coppor rock, the same being encountered in the drifts on the 22.i'oot level in doing the development A-qrk. When last heard from, the mine management stated that only a very few feet separated sep-arated the cast drift from tho old workings, or tho incline, run some lime ago, and when these connections are made tho Progressive compan' will bo-gin bo-gin making shipments of fine lend ore to market. This load ore was developed de-veloped by the incline, and the new workings 'will enable the company to .bring it out with greatly reduced cost and in a much quicker fashion. Everything Every-thing at the property is in splendid shape. i DAY ON' 'CHANGE, Saturday Ended Busy Week and a Busy Month as Well. In .lun-3 on the local exchange SOT, 502 shares of stock were sold, these having a market value of $SSl.S005S. During the nasi week 20S.-46S shares were sold, nnv-Ing nnv-Ing a value of $241,700,110. whtlo Saturday mornlntr 2S.350 shares passed hande. rep- i resenting a market vatuo of 26,318. During Dur-ing Hie morning the following were the unlisted stock transactions: UNL.1STISD STOCKS. 1 Bid. lAskcd.j Sold For. Uin T Mill .. $ .10 $ 3 ? Crown Point .70 .71 .70 .71 Wheeler ... .11 .-15 .-10 . H Soulhport . . .75 .85 Ohio. Cop ... I. SO 5.00 -1.S0 Stantl Cop .. .57 .t?0 .5S Ohio Ken . .. 3.70 3. S3 E Sw lSx-ten. ' ,21 - .25 V Nov Cop. '155 Kaildrlver 40 Emma Cop . .If. .lSi .16 East Tin ... .15 .1(1 Cop Clance.. .14 .17 Kenrns Keith 7.50 t LISTED STOCKS. Bid. lAskeri. Albion ? .75 $ 1.50 AJax 20 .21 Boston Consolidated .. 25.00 Black Jack 44 .47 Bullion Beck 2.50 3.00 Beck Tunnel J.S7i 1.00 Butler Liberal I0i .12 Bullock , 04 .07 Cohnnbus Consolidated 5.20 5.50 Carina .11 .48 Century .3S .40 Colorado Mining . 5.50' 5.05 Congor 10 .10 Daisy Anne: 15 Drom. II 35 Daly . 1.25 2.00 Daly .fudge 5.25 U.00 Emerald Tl5 .30 Grand Central 1.50 4.55 Cold field Daisy 1. 00 1.00 Iron Blossom 1.20 1.25 Ingot 07 J .Too Bowers .. .02 Lead King 18 .19 Little BoH .'. 1.00 Little Chief ' .10 .10A Lower Mammoth l.40 2.15 Mountain Lake 66 .60 .Mammoth J.JO 1.45 May Day z .32J Nevada Fair..... 20 Nevada Hills 5.15 5.00 New York 15 .IS Ontario 3.50 Richmond Anaconda 13 .155 Sco-tilsh Chief ' 0G Swansea : 35 South Swansea 00 Silver King 24.50 26.00 Star-Consolidated 34 ,?,G Seven Troughs 66 .67 South Columbus Con 2.65 2.67j Sioux Consolidated 41 J .42 Tetro 1 0' .12 Unelo Sam .". .. .74 .76 T'tah 2.00 2.05 Victoria 1.50 2.50 Victor- 15 .16i Yellow Rose 15 71 Yankee .57 .50 Wabaah 20 .35 FORENOON SALES. Lower Mammoth, 200 at $2.15, buyer sixty days. . Star Consolidated, 500 at 35c. Colorado Mining. 200 at $5.50: 100 at 1 $5.50, seller thirty days. I Iron Blossom. 100 at 31,20;, 200 at $J.22&; 100 at 51.23: 100 at S1.27J: 100 at. $1.26, seller sixty days; 100 at 51.25, seller thirty days, ! Lead King, 1000 at 18ie. Little Chief. 1000 at 105c. , Richmond fc Anaconda, 500 at Kie. .South Columbus Consolidated. 50 at $2.50: 100 at $2,55; COO at $2.G5; 200 at $2,671. Sioux Consolidated. 200 at 4.2c; 1100 at ''ile; 1200 at -lie; 500 at 10c. Scvon Troughs, 200 at 67c; 1000 at 66e. Victor. 500 at 16e, Yankee, 100 at 50e; 700 at 5Sc. Shares sold, 10.550. Selling, A'nluc, $S501. OPEN BOA2UD. Beck Tunnel, 100 at $1.S7J. Colorado Mining, 100 at $5.55: 100 at $5.60: 200 at $5.65. Century. 500 at' 40c. Iron Blossom, 300 at $1.20; 700 at $1.17. May Day. 3500 at 33c. Mountain Lake. 500 at 07c. South Columbus Consolidated, 1500 al $2j!5; ,600 at. $2.72. buyer slxtv days. Sioux Consolidated. 1300 at -Illc. Seven Troughs, 200 at 66c. Shares sold, 17.R00. Selling wilue. $17,817. Total salee. -28,350 shares., for $26JMS . week's totals, 26S.168 shares, for $244.. 709.00. v Month's totals, 807,592 shares, for $jS6.-S00.5S. $jS6.-S00.5S. 9 ' ' |