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Show j! "3?retfcy ,"Iippopo (ramus tacfie, You ain't got no cares! 's You don't have tro worry bout THe kinds of things you wears."1 SI " ... rpj art Q (freggjg js simple enough if you know how. You may not own a yacht or a tour-, tour-, ing car, but there is no reason why you can't 1 look as though you do. Dress suitably, sensibly. Wear clothes that have style without being 1 showy. Find a store where you can know the H clothes are right. When you see Mullett's cloth- H ing anywhere, you may be sure that the wearei H 'is-a particular man of taste. H k - Our stock is still in good shape. Lots of .,. H . good things to show you. H , Straw Hats, Shirts, Belts, Neckties, Shoes; anything you may, want. We always have a fine selection. ... I MULLETT'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT STORE I FOR MEN AND BOYS. H 41 to 45 W. Second South 1 Bathing at Saltair this year is per-fect. per-fect. Water is warm and plenty of it. ! This week's story, s j Honor us by a call and we will honor you by j- ; seeing how much we can S ! give you for- the money j you care to expend in f I your piano. i We have very unusual I values in Player-Pianos and Piano-Players. The Anderson Piano stands in the A class, t I and is worthy of a place J in your home. Come and examine it, j and hear it tell its own Istoiy by singing you its own praises. ! We have three other j grades of Pianos at dif- i i ferent prices. ! j rTew York prices, j with freight added. j ! This is a truthful I' statement. j A fine second-hand j Hardman Piano . very j cheap. , j Half block west oE the J new postoffice, between I j Third and Pourth South j j streets. j No. 46 Market Street ! New Ywk &. . Western Piano Co. j m Independent phone 76-1. Bell phone 128-Z. McHenry's Livery, MURRAY. Kljrht Livery a Specialty. Horses bought and sold. . ' Stage to Wasatch leavos daily from bain after July 3, S:30 a. tn.; Ieavos Wasatch l p. m. Telephone John Fowler, 421 Black, for hotel accommodations. SPECIAL CLOTHING BARGAINS . Hundreds of fine union-made, hnnd-lallorod hnnd-lallorod suits. Including black and blue serges and ThlbetB. All the lat-eat lat-eat Btyles. Your choice. 510.00. Worth $lfi.00, $13.00 and $20.00. THE HUB, 50 East 1st South St. fcQLUTEUf P4JKE Jm u?vaUAAA I ill '7?.jTTOu.Th.K fo&iz fM a flood AaSae im th& S'if dfoU ii im faU oj & THE ORIOLE GO-BASKET. . It ti aii Light, cool, comfortable, always ready for use any place. Safo.ijjv ful for mother and cliild, strong and durable. You can take it anyjim that you can go. STORE PRICE. FOLDING GO-OART, like cut, steel, OHp to eiia tired '111 M W l like cut. good cuough for thjkjc !i i m 1 1 . iB fiim for the krwn or Porcl,jjC?5r' M Jfi 1 I hard wood, in cither apUCgfc (life 'I t . B ll hocuny finish. You'd pay !J j Iljl to $5.D0 for the same thiflsC. 1,11 But the "Big Sk Hlj Price Is JS Solid oak. leather seat, quarter sawed, Wmt box chair, liko cut. in coition oak or tf? '-Haf! ETfSit'::.:f.$2.oo .1,oujp ' TURKISH ROCKERS 1; We have no cut of them, but the recnlar prico is $30.00. and will sell 20 of them at faj First 1 come first served. JSTo telephone reservations. "The Bifi 1 Riiarantoo behind cvory one of them. j CASH OK CREDIT H i If the Breadwinner meets with death, we give Iris widoj . ceipt in full; and if he doesn't, we treat him right j P The Big Stof e I XL Furniture & Carpet Insl ment House Is |