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Show WHEAT MARKET WES ON WEATHER REPDHTS Clear Skies for Southwest Harvesting; Har-vesting; Rains for Crop in ortlivest. CIITCAGO. Juno 2D.9 Wheat prices upon tho local exchange broko 2c per bushel today because of hcavv sales. At the closo the September Hclivorv was off 22c; corn was down Vfcc; onts wero GbYn'. lower, and pro"-vjsions pro"-vjsions were unchanged to 2V.(a)5c highcT. " " Tho wheat market was weak all (lav. Prices at tho opening wore off nearly lc and tho decline continued until another an-other cent had been added to the initial ini-tial Joss. The market waB entirely a "weather" affair. In the Southwest, where harvesting is in progress, the weather was clear and warm, while in tho Isortliwest, whore the spring wheat crop was Said to have been groatly in need pi moisture, rains were quito general gen-eral last night. More rain was also predicted for tonight in North Dakota and Minnesota. Aside from the weather reports, news of tho day was of a bullish character, char-acter, prices at Liverpool being higher and crop-damago reports from the Southwest and Northwest being again numerous. Longs and commission houses hous-es sold freely the entiro session and the offerings were taken chiefly bv shorts. The market closed weak at almost al-most the lowest point of the day," September Sep-tember opened c lower at 97 c to 98i4c declined to 96c and closed at 98698c. Tho corn market was weak on free selling by cash houses. Excellent 'Weather for the new crop and the decline de-cline in wheat were the main reasons for the selling pressure. The market closed weak. September opened Vfcc to (5)2 lower at 539i53o to 53c. declined to 53c and closed at 5353?4c. Prospects of heavy deliveries on Jnly contracts brought out liberal sales of July oata by longs and caused weakness weak-ness in ,'tll options. The slump in wheat also tended to depress the market. September Sep-tember opened Vic lower at 37c to 37c; sold between 37c and 37 37c, and closed at 3737c. Provisions -wore dull. Tho feature of tho trading was moderate liquidation liquida-tion of July owing to tho likelihood of largo deliveries on Monday. A Ave cent advance in live hogs offset these sales and held tho market steady all day. At tho cIoho September pork was up 2,2oc. lard was unchanged and nbs wero 2c higher. RANGE OP THE LEADING FUTURES. Wheat Open. HIch. Low. Closo. July 94J 9'il 923 92i September ... 9Si 9S$ 96J 96B December .. .. l.OOi 1.00Z 99J 001 Corn July- 531 531 521 53 September . 535 53i 531 535 December .. .. 521 52& 51 52 May 53J 53J 52? 631 Oats-July Oats-July 421 42 411 413 September ... 373 37Z 37 37H December .. .. 383 383 3S 38j) Mess Pork, per bbl. July 16.10 16.121 16.05 16.071 September . ...16.35 16.371 16.35 16.371 .Lard, por 100 lbs. July S.S0 S.821 8.77 S.771 September . 9.05 9.071 9.021 9.021 October 9.071 9.10 9.071 9.071 Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. July S.60 8.60 8.55 8.57J September . .. 8.80 8,821 8.80 8.821 October .... 8.721 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations wero as follows. Flour was steady, winter patents, S.4.154.50. straights. 53.40(3)3.50; spring; patents, S4.50 CT5.00; straights, $3.255H.15: bakers, $2.60 3.50. No. 2 spring- wheat. 99c(?j)?l. 01, No. 3. 9Ic51.00: No. 2 rod, 92i39ic. No. 3 corn. 531533c; No. 2 yellow. 57!3!573c. No. 2 oats. 413c; No. 3 white, 4244c. No. 2 Rvp. Sic. Barley, fair to choice malting, malt-ing, 70jJ73c. Flax socd. No. 1 Northwestern, North-western, $1241. Clover, contract grades. $18.25. Short ribs, sides (looso). 58 871 9.12. Mess pork, por bbl , $16.4016.50. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $8.75. Short clear sides (boxed). $8.50fp9.50. Whisky, basis of high wines. $1.31. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles Receipts. Shlpmonts. Flour, barrels 28,800 86.200 Wheat, bushels . 48.000 29.000 Corn, bushels 623,300 550.300 Oats, bushels 286,500 92,200 Ryo. bushols 4.000 Barley, bushels 17,600 3,100 CHICAGO PRODUCE. On the produce exchange today tho butter market was firm; creameries, 191 24c; dairies, 17Q)21c; eggs, steady; at mark, cases included, 12113c; firsts. 13c; prlmo firsts, 14c; chceso, steady, ll!131c. LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHICAGO. June ' 29. Cattle Receipts.. 400. Market steady; beeves, $4.607.00. cows. $1.75Zj4.75; heifers. $2.00(8)5.00: calves, $6.00(27.25; good to prime steers. $5.70(9)7.00; poor to modium, $4.S55.66; stoclcers and feeders. $2 90(35.25. I-Iogs Receipts. 10,000. Market strong to 5c higher; light, $5,90(8)6.15; mixed. $5 80P(i6.15; heavy. $5.5536.021; rough. $5.55(8)5.75, pigs, $5.406.05; good to choice heavy. $5.906 021. Shocp Receipts. a000. Marknt weak; natives. $4.00?56.10; Western, $4.OO6.00; yearlings. $6.006.76; lambs and Western, West-ern, $5.50(3)7.00. Kansas City. ICANSAS'CITY. Mo, June 29. Cattle Receipts, 100 Market steady; native steers, $4.506.65; natlvo cows and holf-ors holf-ors $2.255)5.25; stockers and feeders. $3-25 fa5!00; bulls, $2.7535.00; calves. $4.00 6""5' Western fod steers, $4.256.3o; Western fed cows, $3,000)4.50. logajRocelpt8, 5000. Market strong to 5c higher; heavy, $5J55 90; packers, $5.8710)5795; light, $5.905.971; piss. $5.26 ShecD Receipts. 100. Markot nominally steady: muttons. $B.O0S.2Bj lambs, $7.00 (0)7.65; range wethers. $5.06.00; red ewes, $4.50(8)5.25 Omaha. OMAHA. Juno 29. Cattle Receipts, COO. "Market unchanged. ji0KSRecelpts. S200. Markot 510c higher: heavy. $5.S5(g)5 90; mixed. $5.90 5 ! lb light. $55(5)0.00; pigs $5.40(3)5.90. FlleopRecolpts, 200 Market otoady; vearllnWs. $5,5030.26; wethers. $5,255,6D; ewes, $l.bog5.2G. lambs, $6.000)6.50. St. Joseph. ST JOSEPH, Mo., Juno 29. Cattle ttecolDtB 250. Market steady; natives, $4 50O-7?60; cows and holfors. $2.265.G0; Itockors and feeders . M.BOfiM. 50. . BlHOKSUoccln.tH. 3500. Market ncuvo ami Wile hfghor; top, $6.00; bulk t sales. $5,500)5,95. Sheep Receipts, none. New York Sugar. NEW YORK. June 29 Sugar Raw firm; fair refining. 3.371c; centrifugal, 96 lost 3 871c; molasses sugar, 3.121c. Refined Re-fined steady: crushed, 6.70c; powdered. 5.10c; granulated. 5.00c. Utah Smelter Eecoipte. Special to Tho Tribune. OGDEN, Juno 29. Oro recoipts at tho Utah smolter today woro four cars of Bingham, four cars of Silver City and three cars Mnmmotn. |