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Show ORIGIN OF HOLSTEIN BREED Practically Same as Cattle Coming From Frlesland Province In Northern Holland. The words Ilolsteln and Holsteln-Frleslan Holsteln-Frleslan designate the same breed At first there were two breed associations, associa-tions, one railed the liolstein association, associa-tion, the other the Dutch Frleslan association, as-sociation, but for all practical purposes pur-poses these associations represented the same breed. Frlesland Is a province In the northern north-ern part of Holland and these northern north-ern Hollanders have kept cattle from the earliest history. Ilolsteln la a provlnre In northern Germany, not far from Frlesland. Cattle comint; from the province of Frlesland were called Dutcb-Frieslans and were en- I w Holsteln Cow. tered in the association by thla name. Cattle coming from Holsteln were called HolKtelna.' The cattle originate ed from the same source. In the year the two associations united and cattle coming from these two sections are now called Ilolsteii-Frlesiun. Ilolsteii-Frlesiun. The correct name for the black and whites Is Holftteln-Frlesian, but they are sometimes Improperly culled IlolBteins. Daipy Note-3 A laying ben requlrca more water than food. Don't let the cows out In the storm to ftand around. It doesn't pay. The cows that produce the largest amounts of butter fat do It most economically. eco-nomically. The calves should by all meana be kept in clean, well lighted and verv tilated stables. A gallon of cream testing 25 per cent, should churn a Utile over two pounds of butter. The object of cow testing and keeping keep-ing record to Improve the herd and Increase the output. The thermometer must be used as regularly in the dairy during the summer as during the winter. liran Is a very good feed for cows. It 1 ligbt, palatable and rich In mineral min-eral matter, especially phosphorus. l'y Intelligent breeding and care, most of the dairy herds can be brought up to double their production. produc-tion. The spread betweea the common and good cattle keeps widening alJ the time, as good cattle are getting scarcer. Vy kneading and rubbing theteati a good form may be given this organ and future milk secretion be much increased. Prof. Fmith of the Nebraska station sta-tion believes that corn fodder Is one of the nioi-t ecoLomical feeds for fab rening steers. |