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Show RASH ALL OVER BABY'S BODY Itched So He Could Not Sleep "On July 27, 1909. we left Toston for a trip to Kngland nnd Ireland, taking baby with us. After being in Ireland a few days a tinsty rash came out all over bis body. We took him to a doctor doc-tor who gave us medicine for hi in. The trouble started in the form of a rash aud was all over baby's body, bead and face, different times. It Irritated, and ho would scratch it with all his might. The consequence was It developed Into sores, and we were afro Id It would leave nnslr scars on his face. "When we reached England we took baby to another doctor, who said his condition was duo to change of food and climate, and gave more medicine. The rash got no better, and It lined to . Itch and burn at night so bud that the child could not sleep. No was completely com-pletely covered with It at different timet). It was at this time Unit my mother advised us to try Cutlcura Koap and Ointment. After using Cutlcura Cutl-cura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment for about nine months the places disappeared. disap-peared. There are not any scars, or other kind of disfigurement, anil bnby la completely cured by the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, We havo no further fur-ther trouble with baby's skin. Nothing Noth-ing stopped the Itching, uid allowed baby to sleep but Cutlcura Soap and ' Cutlcura Ointment." (Signed) Mrs. Margaret Ounn, 2!) Ilurrell St., Itox-bury, Itox-bury, Mass., March 12, 3D11. Although Cutlcura Sonp and Ointment Oint-ment are told everywhere, a sample Of each, with 32-page book, will bo mailed free on application to Cutl-:ura," Cutl-:ura," Dept. L, Toston. Accounted For, "The boy hag the aviation fever." "That accounts for the rise lu bis temperature." BACKACHE IS DISCOURAGING Until You Get AS After The Causa yjy Nothing more d!s-couraglng d!s-couraglng thau a constant backache. rOlf Lame when you vU awake. Tains plrc y! 1 fr you when you bend y-as"' or lift. Its hard to Jt'"J' ' work, or to rest. ? J You sleep poorly f --r and next day Is the P i I same old story. -, ' J. That backacheln-t J tU b dlcates bad kidneys 7I V and calls for someT i ' good kidney remedy, t-jj I None so well reo- f-1 f I ommndedasl)oan'a3 j fl I Kidney Tills. Grate- V i I ful testimony latnlljf convincing proof. Ffjk J? Here's Another 7t vu-fre Typical Case r'"w" Mrs. D. K. Jeffern. Colfax. Wash., says: "For two weeks I had to be propped up In bed and I lost 60 pounds In weight 1 was in a terrible terri-ble condition. In fact, 1 came very near dying. As a last resort I be-pah be-pah using Doan's Kidney pills. Since then I have gained back my lost weight and feel wonderfully improved." AT ALL DEALERS SOc. a Box DOAN'S The Wretchedness of Constipation Can quickly be overcome by CARTER'S LITTLE V5 LIVER PILLS. yf Turely vegetable t ,' i act surely and ,jpnnTrnc trrntiy on the l1V.fl,0 ' tKJ hver. Cure J" ;AVi T,Ti I'.ihousncss. J? ;.f " RIVER Head- jf llP11-ache, llP11-ache, fyr YJiK3J ness, and Indigestion. They da their duty. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL TRICE. Genuine must bear Signature T7"'l!tl PARKER'S Ot is -J .4 HAIR BALSAM Li '-. . ft.ltjcw, u4 !-. . t bate rJ;& n t " lli o lie Tm Ca THNWriNCHtMIDV S !. t. J. THERAPIONSr, .,,rI fc , m , f , ' l-i - rnm.s'1 1 Ulk fcatlTl t I T(at r k i t ' ; 4 ill. l u., HTstttrJ ft U Tfcat,l M"f eVe |