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Show ROOSEVELTJICTORY COLONEL IS WINNER AT THE PREFERENTIAL PRIMARIES IN ILLINOIS. Carries State by at Least 125,000 Votee Champ Clark Defeats Wll- son by Two to One, While Gov-ernor Gov-ernor Deneen Is Again Indorsed. Chicago. Winners in the Illinois preferential primary elections on Tuesday are: For president Theodore Roosevelt, Republican; Champ Clark. Democrat. Kor United States senator L. Y. Sherman, Republican; James Hamilton Hamil-ton Lewis, Democrat (uncontested). For governor Charles 8. Deneen, Republican; Hdward V. Dunne, Democrat. Dem-ocrat. Colonel Roosevelt's state Managers claimed his majority over I'resldent Taft was from 100.000 to 1 '.0,000. Returns Re-turns Indicate his vote was nearly five to two for Taft. Presidential delegates were not named on the ballots and will be elected by congressional districts and at large, the effect of the vote being only to serve as a guide to party officials as lndlcutlng party feeling. Chicago voters voted two to onn against woman suffrage in the preferential pref-erential primaries. The question was not on ballots outside of this city. Roosevelt's victory was f not a respecter re-specter of territory. He carried tho home ward of Congressman William D. McKinley, Taft's campaign manager. man-ager. In Champaign; he was as successful suc-cessful In the Seventeenth congressional congres-sional district, where Colonel Frank L. Smith, the Taft state manager, lives, and In Joseph (3. Cannon's home, Danville, Roosevelt polled 1,-844 1,-844 to Taft's 1,227. Senator La Follette of Wisconsin polled a small vote. In Cook county, where It apepared heaviest, the Wisconsin Wis-consin senator had an apparent rote 9f 14,440, where Roosevelt's apparent vote was 86.144. and that of Taft 52,064. |