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Show eret Thursday and at Hinckley on Friday, Fri-day, and next week they will take In the east nlde, beginning at Learning-ton. Learning-ton. It la not only a good piny, but th fact that ft U for the benefit of the Academy ought to assure full houses. The Kelly Hyan Heal Estate Company Com-pany of Deseret have their ad In tliir Issue and we learn that their union til nee the first of April amount to $".,775, which U pretty good for a new concern. They make a specialty of furnishing entrymen with government Kcrlpt. V. W, Kelly took a business trip to Suit Lake last week and la now In the western part of the county on company com-pany business. The Pahvant Irrigation Co. expect to begin work on their canals and hcadgales aa hood aa the low water season cornea. It la reported that a company of Deseret and Salt Lake people have filed on the linker Hot Sprint; to be used for Irrigation purposes. ; NEWS OF OUR NEIGHBORS t fotad by the Editor in His Weekly I Rounds During Conference week there has been the usual exodus to Salt Lake. 3(?s:e cf the rloltors have been Ulshop Damron, Joe Dewsnup, Jacob Lang-e Lang-e stou, L. F. Moench, Mr. Hilton and r Cora Robinson. y Mrs. J. A. Hilton, accompanied by her husband and Mrs. Lee, went to ' Sa!l Ijtke to undergo an operation the piut week. She Is reported to be do- 0 ln well, t Mis lllanche Dewantip has been h quite ill and obliged to leave her acad-emy acad-emy work and return to her home In 0 Dune ret. u Mr. and Mrs. Patterson and family, 0 from Oklahoma, have come Into Hlnck. 8 ley with the purpose of buying land. ' Mr. Westover, of Abraham, has been 8 staking off his lot In Hinckley and 8 across the street from him Dr. and Mr. Jiroaddus have been making their '' pleiV Of land look like a home lot. Th(j' have had the whole lot cultivat-e cultivat-e ed-end leveled, and have set out a 1 good rnnny trees, hedges and shrub-biry, shrub-biry, !" Durjjig tlie past week three ship-l' ship-l' ni'Wsof trees have come Into Hlnck-" Hlnck-" leV, two from Provo and one from the " a'aerman nursery In Iowa. In spite of '" the log trip, the Sherman goods ar-r ar-r rived in remarkably good condition, e well packed and protected. . . The iiieetlng house lot, north of the " Jtelleflall In Hinckley, has Just been ''.("Jtticettpfr and lined with trees. Mr, T. It. Greener has moved his ft tire, ' graded .and set out a lot of " ti :-vn fact, an epidemic of Arbor ?" l.ii: h trr has broken out In Hinckley " a id njOne seems to want It checked. ' ThK District school teachers last Fii-ay?ilght gave a delightful "Apple H I 'io.WA BalLil .Itj.waa aa InvilBtlon 'N . "a X - - ' ' soiiil VV-h ..... nit y to the sodal ilfe of the community commu-nity and to Introduce more square dancing. The Rage Quadrille and the Jewel were the favorites on the daln-" daln-" lily printed programs. The gyinnn-slum gyinnn-slum was decorated beautifully with li festoons and stronmers of pink and white crepe paper and with big bunches of paper apple blossoms the l" result of school "busy work," for all ! the grades. From a pretty booth grape ' Juice punch was served during Inter-'" Inter-'" missions by two life-sized apple bios-:" bios-:" soma in pink and white. The orches- tra had been practicing for some time ' on new dance music and the w hole ball e was a pronounced success. e On Wednesday evening, April 10, (lie 8 following musical program was given 1 in the Academy Auditorium: 1 1. Two Duets, Rosetta Pratt and Mrs. Hroaddus: "The Hlai ksmlth" 1 (Frank Kyer); Russian Intermezzo 9 (Theodore Franke). 2. Happy Dreams Caprice -Carl ' Honner, Rosetta Pratt. 3. Vocal Duet, "Merry Illrda of f Spring" (C. A. White). Geneva Robin- son and Mrs. Hroaddus. 8 4. "The Angelus" (Carl Oanschals) Neva Cropper. i 5. Itanner of Victory (Franz von 1 Hlon), Neva CropjKT and Mrs. Rroad-1 Rroad-1 dus. " C. Faust Waltzes (Gounod , Cora 5 Robinson and KHen Kelly. 7. "II Penseroso (Heller), Klhn Kelly. 8. Christmas Legend, Golden Huff t and Mrs. Hroaddus. 9. Flower Song from Faust (Gou-1 (Gou-1 nod), Mrs. Hroaddus. 10. (a) Canzonetta (Hollander); lb) Itn Kahne (In the Itoat) Ivon ' Wilin), Nora Damron. I 11. Hunioresque (Dvorak), Norma Moody and Norma Damron. 12. "L'Kscarpolette (Swinit Song). (Fontaine), Norma Moody. ' 13. "Kaves Dropping" (W. Nell). . Mrs. Hroaddus. ' The Abraham people are making considerable con-siderable Improvements In the way of t fixing up their head gales, improving I the bridges and cleaning out the i ditches. We note that a good many of - the bridges elsewhere are In need of i repairing and we how other sections I will follow Abraham's example. The Academy Dramatic club Is preparing pre-paring to make a tour of the county lth a )opular comedy, "Won by Wireless." There are seven players In t the cast of characters and everybody i will enjoy the play. Tbey gave It a; i Abraham Tuesday night and at lieit r on Wednesday. They will be at !et |