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Show THE UTAH BUDGET Forty thousand visitors viewed the products jf t'tah at the "l'tah Pro-flucM" Pro-flucM" sho in Sal' Lake last week. The Fast Juah rounty high school board has decided to Introduce a course in elementary black smithing and Iron working. James O'Connor, tho Salt Lake druggist drug-gist who was shot by robbers who entered his drug store, succumbed to his Injuries Sunday. J. F. Itabe of Logan wan elected annual an-nual president of the Intermountaln Photographers' association at the convention con-vention held In Salt I.ake last week. New officers for the ensuing year were elcted at the semi-annual reunion re-union of the California Missionary society so-ciety hold In Salt 1-alie during conference confer-ence week. The Agricultural college experiment Italion has assumed active, control of the I'angultch Indlon farm which was turned over to the college by the state last year. The business men of Tremonton have organized a Commercial club, which includes In its membership ! every prominent and live business man of Tremonton. Fresh from his daily labor, John Vanamer. a carpenter, aged 6.1 years, dropped dead Just after crossing th threshold of Ills home in Suit Luke Heart trouble is given as the cauxe. The Democratic primaries will he held May 4 and the state convention at which delegates to jhe nuttonal convention at Palllmoro will be selected, select-ed, will be held May It In Salt Lake. While working on the main tunnel of the Jay Could mine at. Illnghnin, Charles ileber, a miner. aed 42, w,is struck on the head by a largn rock, fracturing his skull, death resulting a few hours later. An attack of smallpox will be no bar to social activities In I'tah here after, t'nder a policy announced by tho state board of health Inst week, the resorts known as "pest houses" will be cloned. I -co Ilerger, charged with murder In the first degree for the kllllns; of Thomas Cummlngs, his landlord, was arraigned In Salt Lake last week and entered a plea of not truilty. His trial will be held at a later date. Mrs. Clara Krelnes, aged 37, wife of an Ogden junk dealer, suicided by taking carbolic acid. That Mrs. Krelnes has been mentally unbalanced for some time was given as a cause for the suicide by members of the family. fam-ily. While excavating a trench in the north part of American Fork, James Armstrong was caught by a cave-in and had a narrow escape from death. He was rescued by fellow workmen and escaped with a broken collarbone. collar-bone. So far as Salt Iake is concerned If will not follow the proposed action i of the state board of health In raising the quarantine from smallpox unless the city commission sees fit to repeal an ordinance whirh exists upon the or- : dlnance books now. . The descendants of the late Oeorse i Washington Itcau. who sat on the I bench of Sevier county for twenty i years and was one of the most re-1 ' spected officials In the Mormon ! church, held a reunion In Salt Lake i during conference week. i William II. Hansen, 38 years old, a marine 4-ngineer of Seattle, Wash., died In Salt Lake afMr taking nearly ' twelve ounces of a chloral hydrate so- lutlon sometime used In small quantities quan-tities to produce sleep. Hansen had been suffering from Insomnia. While Fred Nielsen was operating the tram cars of the Jumbo mills at : 1 Richfield, a car becamo unmanage- j 1 able anj Mr. Nielsen was wrapped In ; ' a rope and dragged a considerable ; ' dtaUuice. He was badly bruised and cut, but no hones were broken. j 1 Every girl to be graduated from the ; ' home economics department of the c I'tah Agricultural college has been of-. " fered a position In the state and most j ' of them have accepted. Twenty-four , c graduates of thin department are teaching in the high schools of the j 1 state. ' Plana have been aompleted by the j ' state road commission for the tmmev j iliate commencement of work In Davis j county on highway improvements to j rout t::7.ouo. This will be spent on a modern sprinkling systtm. v, hirh will rost more than $l7.f"0, snd for grading grad-ing and Improving the roads. A national fecYiatlnn of ostal employes em-ployes was organid at a riccting In " Salt Lake of t'.ie City and Uural Vail Carriers' association of tre state of I'tah. Invitations to enter lil te ex- 0 lended to alt other organizations com 11 posed of employees of pr.stnffice do-I do-I ariments throughout the Cnittd 1 Rtates. " The second annual Public Land invention in to be held In Salt Lake rity May 2. Fifteen '.ns will Mi , 'epres 1 1' d by delegrt s appointed b t !he governors of th'p cute Tie v r(cvent:on will maiN the frst gwtVr-Ing gwtVr-Ing since the permanent ort:ani..i!l n , During a fit of despondency Mrs Mxzle Reese lyson. IS years oil, slfe of WillUm M. Iavson, a formei etter carrier of Itutte, Mont., sal c owed tieveral morphine ;Mcts at her room In Salt l-ake, dying thirteen 0 Sours later. This was the woman's ' hlrd attempt to end ber life. n Once again the dates for the Na-tonal Na-tonal Irrigation congrexs to be held n SaJt I.ake have been changed. The! L'tah board of control ha decided I r :hai September 3n to October 3 are'n Je most suitable dates for the gatb-i i ring. j i |