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Show THE WEEK AT OASIS Mr. Mini Jackson, Representative We are having spring weather In earnest now. Pleasant days and cold nights. The field are showing their green carpets with the few days warmth. Mr. Maker of the Raker Lumber Co., was here today looking after the Interests Inter-ests of his business. Mcllrlde and Colgrove unloaded a car of lumber last week ut this point to bo hauled by team to Fillmore. A number of people went to Salt Luke to spend the week and attend conference, of whom was Illshop Marcus Mar-cus Skeeuis, S. M. Ilawley, Mrs. Mamie Pieraon, A. J. Henry, Miss Alta Huff, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilawley. Win. Huff and 11. 11. Pederson. A dance was given on Friday night ; for the benefit of the U. IV Team. A good crowd was preseiiet, ! Mr. NeiUt P. Jensen has finished his J new brlclr iip with coat of paint, IM.ITsiX 'VjViiv 1w'misNli(ia3rlM fan... Lynndyl, where they will spend the summer. Mr. Johnson Is ' working there. Mr. Charles Thompson la making an addition to his home of two rooms on I the north side. Mr. Plerson has Just erected a new ' barn. I A new helper has been employed at the Oasis State Hank, Mr. Arthur Ped-erson, Ped-erson, to assist Mr. C. O. W. Plerson. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Chrlstensen are spending a short time In Provo. Mrs. Lambert of Cedar City Is here I visiting her daughter. Mrs. Kdmond Williams. A great many speakers were listened t.) at church last Sunday, It being fast day. Hot h young and old participated. I A quiet wedding took place at the , Day Hotel last Wednesday, the 3rd. Mr. Hoy Allred of Deseret and Cassa Talbot of Hinckley were married by I Clerk Nephl Anderson. We wish them a happy voyage down the stream , ol lue. |