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Show Get This ; ?L. FREE Bool Llp Before You f. 'pI, Decorate : uJtL&c It ihow 20 pretty room in modem home t and how to j;rt the very latnt drtipnt fi your home. We will tend you FKl K coloi plan made by expert leiinri for any room you want to decorate. n Beautiful Wall Tint b mow MtMonafcte l tun will paprr or (Mint tnd mm tar lew. li It too rronnl and rmuuitt In color to coin. H't with n kmd l kaiuaiiuc. lt tunhn ot Hit wall. o cl. prri r rub o, lun la. ti(rr. 16 Bcth' IjI 1 l,. i nmn all ltldr to ,, Co- XwBSr!35l 'l tMir li atfaggj" lull dlirrtionl o rt'ff JtTt'M; V"t' Kull 4 lb, kr, W,n lAutaflftoc '.f J! Kcunioii. sc XJj Pet the FRFK Book Trfff,' i- of 20 HfHntiful Roonn Vl y I ' V w,l r "--tjB Alabastinc Company 13 " l tr li. t MwLir Rra hrk Ut, MUKIM Slint Widows oft rush In where young girls fear to tread. to emu a roi n in onf tar T" I.AXAIIVK lllli VI) V"i"ln 'Uhlirt. IriiirlMiirrriiMi1 nicitN-r ir It fnu oar. M. W. bliui a a uaiur ituu aub bu. alio. ! A Quarter Century Hefore the public. ( ver Five Milium Free Sample given swny each jenr. 1 lie con-taut con-taut and incrt-ntiug wli-t from mu iiij1- proves the Keiiuiiie im-rit of Allen' I "! Me, the nt inept ic pnndrr to lie xlmkm into the line for Tired, Aching, .'"wi-lleii lender feet. Sample tree. Addicua, Allen . Ulnmted, U Koy, N. V. i ! rtl TM t'KKII IS fl TO It IliVK Tnr ilntMiiit win rilutiil nuinvy If I'Ao olVT- KINI" faon i pnr mir (m of llrliuig, lliiatL malm ur i'nKruaui I'iImi in Ui I Uaa. iwi. HOWARD E. BURTON W;,Mro rtHM'tiiifn tin cm HiYr. lnt, i tioid, Mr. i.--. t.'.i.i, fAh: .inr T .(Mrr. 1. 1.iKin f IIVCllilHX. HI Ml fllil lr I llkt tl.'tlt H lp!l Ihiili i i ..mnl nin uiMiir murk n-ld iict. I r tttlvlJls til. Uf -. . i MrtM'hi NuUuiittl Jimih. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 15-1912. Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenlhs of all the tit kne. of women i. due to me drr.n.ement or di. TeVd.y by0'""' d",in,ly ,cn,inine' Suc1' be JrZ Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong. Sick Women Well, It act directly on the orn affected .ml i. t the tame time s -enerwl re.tor. live lon.o lor the whole syttem. It cure fem.l compl.int right in the privscy of home. It m.ke. unneCe.ry the d.Mgree.hle'que.t.onin.. ei.min.tion end locsl treatment so uuivert.lly in.uted upon by doctors, aud su sbhorrcat ta every modet woman. Ws shall not p.rt.culsrize here a to the symptoms ol "" thoe peculiar flection incident to women, but Ihota I ' wantin. full Information as to their symptom and W mean of positive cure are referred to the People's Com- 1 mon Scne Medici Advier-I008 p.,, newly revUed , ' and up-to-date Edition, sent frrt on receipt of 21 one. USVUif I cent (lamp to cover co.t ol msilin. tmly; or, in cloth , I biodinf for 31 stamp. V --w Addre. Dr. R. V, pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. 1 tthlf I Rheumatic Pains 8 ttT'v quickly relieved I t jTj Lr Xb Sloan's Liniment is pkmJ for pain of I VlJJiJl any sort It jM-hctratcs, without rubbing, I t JW. T 1 ErJLGm through the muscular tissue rij;ht to the I "" A bone rdicvestliecongcstiori and gives I Jy y Pt'rmancnl aH Vl x" a tcmjxirary relief. I Aj vt-!L&n Here's Proof. SH I r 1 JmnWjJii A. W. Lav of lyetie, AU, write: L ' JjrVjc iwjll " I had rhrun at ism for five year. I tried 3YF1 l f doctot and several dilfrrrnt rcmedir but It I SpJi P1 they did not ln-lp me. I oM ained a Isittle If II if y of Sloan' l.iiiiiiirnt al.ii h did me o nun h B li ts i"f g""d tlut I would not do without it H m. 'jt"'Va i'Jt anything." II V' Thomas 1- Kick of Laston, Pa., II write: "I hive used Sloan s IJiu-1 IJiu-1 iaO mcnt and rind it fual-claM for ibeu-I ibeu-I niiitk pjint." I Mr. G.;. .Imcnf Italdwins, L.I., writes: "I have found Moan's liniment lin-iment par excellence. I hsve used it for btuken sie ale the knee cap caused by a fall, and to my great sati.tfaDtion I waa able to resume my duties in In than three vrtks atrt the act itlnit," I MfflSf is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthtni I No rubbing necessary you can ajijily with a brush. SAt all doole j. Prlco, 25o., OOc. A SI.OO. I Sloan's Book on Ilorw. Caul-. Sheep and Poultry sent free. Addiess I Dr. EARL S. SLOAN. BOSTON, MASS. W. L. DOUCLAS SHOES 2.25 $2.50 3.C0 3.50 MOO & 5.00 M For MEN, WOMEN and DOYS ff FOR OVER 30 YEARS Ir4 If' THE NEXT TIME YOU NEED SHOES f 'I rive W.L. Douglas shoes atrial. VV. L Douglas name stamped on a shoe guar- ' C l'j ntees superior quality and more value ' -for the money than other makes. His r1 JT name and price stamped on the bottom '-' -V protects the wearer against high prices L. i and inferior shoes. Insist upon having f' y y the genuine W.L. Douglas shoes. Take v- t J no substitute, tt -w i tv-r-M n"i y t''i M I...'. l-,r.w .n, a .m ..... -.0 h.... c - - 1 w A - i m fr-r. ,K, uva nt a tw mmmA rif ' STli-r 4.,Jj .. ,4 ' A Tempting Treat Post j Toasties i! with cream 1 Crisp, fluffy tits oi white Indian Corn; cooked, rolled J into flakrs and toasted to a golden brown. , I Ready to serve direct from the package. Delightful flavour! J j Thoroughly wholesome! o ' 0 " The Memory Lingers " J Sla T Groctri t t Poattua Cereal OmapaitT. Llall4 faaiba Craaa, M taa. a V s |