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Show PLOWS ON DRY FARMS Disk Found to Be Preferable to the Moldboard. Implement Is Frequently Used for Plowing Stubble Fields and Old Land Generally Deep Tilling Machine Introduced. la humid areas about the only kind vt plow that is extensively used la the moldboard, but lu dry areas that dos not hold fcood. The disk ilow has a nlaee In these aud the uue la true ot ihe deep-tilling machine. The luoldbourd plow is so woil known and also its spticilic uses, that they need not be dwelt upou al this lime. Ttm disk plow consists of one or iuore large disks set at an angle that will turn over the furrow slice, but less perfectly than the moldboard plow. It liu been found preferable to the moldboard plow when under the following conditions: (1) la heavy clay soils that are hard to plow and that are more or less liable to become be-come sticky. (21 In plowing laud baked so hard with the sun that It Is difficult to keep the moldboard plow il the soil. (3) In the first plowing of sage brush land when the brush is strong. (4) lu plowing stony land which could not be plowed with the moldboard plow without much difficulty. diffi-culty. The disk plow Is frequently used when plowing stubble land and old land generally, it Is lighter of draft thau the moldboard plow, it does not bury grass or weeds so completely com-pletely as the latter. The deep-tilling machine Is a plow with two disks. The one in front cuts down to a certain depth and turns the soli. The one in the rear cuts down more deeply and turns from a lower stratum, Inverting It, lu part at least, above the furrow slice first Inverted. Among the advantages ad-vantages of this plow are the following: follow-ing: (1) It Is light of draft relatively rela-tively In proportion to the depth to which It will plow. (2) It may be used In plowing ground when It Is so dry that It could not be plowed witii the (Moldboard plow. (3) It makes It posslblg to plow the soil to any reasonable rea-sonable depth. (4) It aids materially material-ly In pulverlitlaf he soli which it plows. iue deep-tlliing machine Is of too recent Introduction to Justify saying Kdff much as to the exact place that It will fill (n the tillage of dry areas. This much Is certain, that ft will fill an Important place. The fact that It will enable the farmer to go down deeply Into the soli without too great an expenditure of power Is a great consideration, as deep plowing 1n dry areas Is generally all-Important Hut the ability to plow deeply even In dry areas brings along with It the temptation to deen the areB that Is cultivated at too rapid a rate. Deep plowing should be cautiously done. In some Instances It does not matter much how deeply the plow Is sent down, even at first. In other Instances, In-stances, to go down Into the soil and bring much unreduced earth up to the surface would greatly hinder growth. This plow renders excellent service In killing quack grass. It buries It so deeply that It has but small chance of coming up again, providing pro-viding an occasional disking follows. The only check on such deep plowing when killing quack Is the effect that raw soil brought up from below may have uxn production. In humid areas, where quack grass grows best, this machine ought to have a wide use for this purpose alone. |