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Show N. B. DRESSER, Editor and Proprleto Subscription Price 12 per Year, e Months $1.25 Advertising Rates. Cards, fl per Inch per month; dls piny ads Kile per Inch, alngle. column per mouLb. Lilseount for large space Reading notices 10 cents per line, flrsl Insertion, S cents each subsequent la sertlon. . Entered as Second clasn mutter Jul) 14, 1910, at the post office at Delta Utah, under act of March 3, 1879. Salt Lake Office, 263 S. W. Tempi St H WATER SHARES WANTED. J Forty rharcs of Deseret Irrigation j Co. water stock wanted. Give lowest : cash price. C.KORGK D. MITCH I'LL, j 33!) Fourth St., Ogdetl, Utah. HOGS FOR SALE. Hogs of all sizes and ages for sale. Sows with young pigs and some that will farrow soon. Prices very reason-' able. ELIZA K. TFRRV. Hinckley. THRESHER FOR SALE. A good steam thresher outfit for sale. Heavy engine, capable of pulling several plow s. With a ID tie repairs the outfit enn be put In good running order. For terms call on or address J. M. STUI1MORT, Deseret. tf. j i SEE OUR NEW STOCK OF ! SPRING AND SUMMER i MILLINERY All the luteal tliintr In trimmeil lialH, shapes, ti-iuimiii.', etc. Hats trimmed in the latest st vies. Shapes made ami trimmed ami old hats made over. C.iil and 'see my new (foods. Prices reasonable. MRS. VAN DEVANTER CLAUK SWEET - PKLTA I ' mmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmjmmmmmm Delta Restaurant And Short Order House MEALS SERVED AT ALL HOURS A good menu at a reasonable ! price. SOUTHWEST of DEPOT . WELL DHILLING ! We have a tww well drilling out-! out-! lit with a nine horse power engine and fiiilpMil with ligiit for night work. If you are in a hurry for a well give 'is your order and the ' work w ill lie done well ami expeditiously. expediti-ously. No wat r no pay. PRATT a ROSENBAVM t MMiMMnMMMBlHMIMiMnMiimiim A. C. Sorenson Ilyrum Kmjht E. S Marshall Delta Mercantile and Implement Company Our stock is now complete in all departments, and we invite the people of Delta and surrounding country to do their trading with us. Our Grocery Department isweii supplied with staple goods, fresh in quality and reasonable in price. Prompt attention given to big or little orders. A big line of Graniteware just received Tinware and Woodenwarc for the kitchen. Our Dry Goods Department now completely stocked with tv erything up to date for men women and children. 1 We are agents for the celebrated Royal Tailors and have a full line of samples. Come in and let us fit you with a nobby suit. We make a specialty of SHOES of all styles, sizes and prices. We can suit you in any kind of footwear for men, women and children. We handle one of the biggest lines of Farm Machinery in Delta. The Emerson Plow and Milwauk:c Machinery arc among the best farm machines made. We can supply you with any kin 1 of Farm Tool, M ichlne or Vehicle made. .We invite you to make our establishment your headquarters when you come to Delta. Hub Mercantile and Implement Co.CLAKTAREET New Settlers in Delta And others can be supplied with Tents and Campers' Supplies at the Brick Store on Clark Street. .. If you need ANY KIND OF FOOTWEAR, see our big itock of Men's, Women's and Childrens' Shoes at the lowest prices. Percales, Ginghams and other ladies' dress goods just received. Complete line Fresh Groceries. R.J.LAW Clark Street DELTA Among Our New Arrivals of Spring Goods J Is a Larjje Stock of J J Messalincs, Voiles, Ginghams and other dress floods J that will please the ladies. ,'jot)ts and Shoes in pjeat variety for men, women children. See our New? Spring Suit Samples They're strictly up to date. The ilressv Imivh of IVseret are our lest advertisement. ! DAMR0N & HAWLEY, DESERET j prirtg 33 spring Is here and when you want Spring Goods call on Geo. Day, Delta Straw Hats. Summer Underwear. Doots and Shoes for everybody Call and sec my goods and prices ECONOMIZE Spring is the time for the fanner to economize, so that his crop may not he spent before it is lmrvested. Our store is the host place to ilo this. Our big spring line is here, with lower prices than have been made for years. Men's Madras work shirts have always sold for .V and (0c, now 4)c 7''jc Calico, now ( c IL'H.c nieaeh, now Me lT'c and L'Oc hose 15c Children's silk hose 'J.k' Men's silk dress hose sold last year for IU; now lW We carry an exceptionally large stock of Imsiery in nil colors, silk and fancy hose. Trices at a great reduction reduc-tion over last year. We discount all dry goods either by premium or cash. Save money by trading with us. Our prices are the lowest that can be made consistent with good business and with this extra inducement of cash discount it will pay you to trade with us. PRATT BROS. HINCKLEY, UTAH HOME FOR SALE. Good bonne and lot 15 rods niiare, retired, well Improved. K'nnery. It. L. SIMKINS. , tr. Helta. Spring and Summer Millinery on Hand N ami fasliioiiaM'' tritium 1 hit I-.. Hats trimmed and shapes made. A rull line of Triuiuiiiii's. ItiMiotis, One umciits, etc. Vnu aieeiiiCi.i lu . iied t i ea'l Htid "e my sfnoils. Mrs. J. W. Hutchinson HINCKLEY A story that will evoke your warmest admiration The Coast of Chance A New Serial Story J Intense, subtle, vibrant, magnetic, baffling, alluring. A remarkable story of the dominance of love and the mysterious disappearance of the famous $75,000 Chat-worth Chat-worth ring. When you reach the final installment you'll say: "Why does it end so soon?" Watch our columns for the opening installment LAND FOR SALE. Ovor 2.0OU acre of deeded land with water, I'art in cultivation. Two homes and three artesian wells. Will sell in lare or small tracts, for cuhIi or on time. Address J. M. STl'B liORT, leeret. tf. CITY LOTS FOR SALE. The Melville Irrlsatlon Company offers of-fers for sale nil their lota In the Delta TowDHlle. They are located In different dif-ferent part of the townalte and buy-era buy-era can be united In both price and location. Information can be furnished by any of the directors or KIXlAlt W. JICKKKIIV, Secretary. POTATOES FOR SALE. I still h.ive Hume of those tine t'tah and Idaho potatoes for sale at $2 per bushel, rfend In your ordera now, as tliH price will goon be rained. T. O. MKAI), Lynndyl. THEOBALD BROTHERS Real .Estate and Building Contractors WE buy and sell FARMS and CITY property-If YOU have any to sell WE will buy it U YOU want to buy WE have it to sell II YOU want to build a lien House, Cottage, or Sky Scraper, WE CAN HU1LD IT FOR YOU We ate in the liusiness, We are in it to stay, We are in it First, Last, and All the Time. Our Motto is: "A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL," that means YOU. We offer you some excellent values in Improved Im-proved and Unimproved FARMS, with water right, Also choice locations iu CITY LOTS. Things have started to move, They are going, Get in NOW or you are left. HINCKLEY UTAH Kelly-Ryan Realty Co. Handle all kind of Improved ami Unimproved Farms an. I Real Estate. Have Home exceptional bargains in (jooil farms; also a few Rood homestead ami desert claim locations left. See us for choice rclinqumhments, nil under ditch. Homestead and Desert Claim Entrymen Who waut a title at once without the bother of prmiiiK up see us as we can furnish you with government scrip and iret your title within a week. If interested call or write. Kelly-Ryan Realty Co. Deseret, Vt&h CART WANTEO. I want a strong two-wheeled cart, and don't want to pay very much for It What have you got? N. It. DRKSSKU. Chronicle Office. TEAMING. If you want any kind of teaming done, land cleared, plowed or cultivated, culti-vated, call on A. S. WORKMAN. Delta |