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Show I IMPORTANCE OF THE BARREL I . ' Business Part of Dairy Cow Should Be Well Rounded and Long Legs Should Curve Out. Tho barrcll is the buxIneRS part of the cow. hence it should bo well rounded and lone. The ribs should be far apart and well sprung. The back ihould bo long and slightly arching. Tho long tall is simply an Indication Df a long spinal column. The legs should be curved out. In order to give tmple room for the udder between, riils should bo square, well set behind j nd extending well forward. The teats I ihould neither bo too long nor too ihort, and set square on the four quarters. quar-ters. The texture of the udder should be like that of a soft glove, so that when it Is milked out. It would collapse. col-lapse. The whole form should be wedge-shaped. No one of these points taken alone is a safe guide; taken rollectlvely they are safe to Indicate i good cow. Jersey Cows. I am building a herd of registered lerseys and do not have many calves :o feed at a time. A very little calf neal In a gallon of warm separator iklm nii'.k three times a day is all t let any calf Lave till large enough to be put on some kind of coarse, dry 'eed. says a writer In an exchange. I mix my own feed for grown dairy rows. 1 swap my cottonseed for cot-unseed cot-unseed meal, grind my corn Into neal, buy wheat bran and mix these equal parts. I sometimes use lln-teed lln-teed meal with these, equal parts. This linseed meal !s ujH la the winter win-ter when we have no gi -.. |