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Show Itoot grafting may be done any :lme until April 1. The damage dune by rabbtta does not stop with, the trees they girdle. The ix'ach and plum are shortlived short-lived trees. The pear and apple are ong lived. Vour.g orchards are Injured by borers, bor-ers, rabbits and mice and should be protected against these pests. Treparatlons should now be made :o protect the younger lre in the orchard or-chard from rabbits and sunscald. One secret of success In getting rafts is to have the scions entirely lormant when they are placed in the Imbs. A good deal depends upon what a ertain market prefers, In the matter if fruit packages, as well as In fruit rarfctlrs. Exterlments have shown that peach rrowera should not wait until the rees leaf out before tbey spray with tlortleaux mlxtura. reparations for spraying the or-hard or-hard this spring should be made iow. Sprayers and material may be aoeght, and a study of methods of ippllration made. This year's sprouts may b pulled 'rom the peach trees with the hands f It Is done this fall, when It should e, which will save considerable sork next spring. F.xamlne the young apple trees for njurles by mice or rabbits. Tramp ;he snow well about the trees to pro ert from mire Injuries, and pclaoa ! r shoot the rabbiU. j |