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Show Hotel f Delta f Newly Built and Furnished Hal h Itootn and Modern Conveniences B. E. COOPER & CO. DELTA BARBER SHOP Kfmcmlter boys there Is a Harler t?hop in town. " First Class Work. One block F.ast of Delta Hotel, tiive us a Cull. T.C. Gronning Blacksmith and Machlnest 1 repair all kind of Farm Implements, Mad linriy, Sciapers, Engines, I iioilrtx, etc Bring is Tout work and I tusraalrf ta Ditkt S good job of k. DELTA . UTAH L. R. CROPPER Only Barber oathe West Side Call round and Id Urn up thai Mgleetrd crop of hair aad ktnm lew butheU .1 whitktn Optm FikUv alteraooa and all day S.lmd.y ... HINCKLEY - UTAH N. E. LEWIS Expert nrnen Miter Has opened a shop at Hinckley and can furnish you Hand-made Harness Bridles, et. Baddies and other leather foods kept in stock. .. Harness and shoes repaired. HINCKLEY ... UTAH U.S. BishOp DELTA, Real Estate Co. UTAH Buys and sells Farm Property and City Lots. If you have Heal Folate to sell, list it with us and get results. re-sults. If you want to buy, send for our bargain list of propositions. Anything you want. Delta Livery, Feed and Sale Stable I have first-class rigs (or hire for hire with of without driven Baled Hay and Grain for Sale A. B. WARD, DELTA E. J. Whicker Well Drilling rVow is the time to have that well put down. I have a nt-w yasoline engine and can do jour work in quick order. No water, no pay. DELTA. UTAH The Chronicle News Stand Receives Regularly The Salt Lake Dailies tMusey'i Everybody American Magazine Railroad Man's Mag. Red Book t Popular Mechanics The Outlook Colliers Weekly Blue Book ' Pacific Monthly 1 McClure's r'"," Woman's Home Comp. And many other Magazines. I can trt you any Periodical or Book printed. See my fancy stationery. station-ery. Tht onp complete A'es i Stand in the Couniy. ' i N. H, Dresser i I I I The New i l Delta Drug Store Is now open for business and' stocked with a complete line of Medicines and Drus, Confectionery, Cigars, Stationery, Etc. Prescriptions carefully compounded. milestone', Formaldehyde and Strychnine for farm pestt. We have the niont complete stock of troodi in the count) , and what wo have not jrot we will promptly order. CallM for plivsician promptly attended to. Dr. W.'W.Stockham, Delta C. W. WATTS. Presldtat MILTON MOODY. Secretary C. W. CKOrPEK.. Vic-Prtilsent J. W. WILLIAMSON. Gen. Manager 7tah 'Real Estate and ILi'Oe StocK. Co. We handle deeded and stale lands, Improved and unimproved farms, ciiy lots and live stock. Our long acquaintance in Millard County and extensive connections enable us to offer bargains to the homeseeker and suit him with any kind of property he wants. ? A- A. We solicit correspondence. Headquarters, Delta. Branch office, Cullen Hotel, Salt Lake ji : Let us Figure on Your Lumber Bill We can Save you Money BAKER LUMBER COMPANY Delta Oasis A. L. Bailey J. E: Work i -' Hub Mercantile & Produce Co. ! We carry the celebrated X Kingman Farm Implements, Mlllburn Wagons, f X t And everything for the Farm f Let us stock you up with Groceries J : : X John E Steele DLTA i X Utah Seeds k I For Utah People 'i : FOR TU'ENTY YEARS we have aimed to supply the hik- : eit quality of Seedi. Our BIG CATALOGUE tells all about the best seeds money can buy. A postal card will bring rt- 0 Better write that postal today. J j Voider Seed Co. SALT ht$z CITY j tt Interlocking Bowl U.S. Cream Separator .11 ? ftt-t hi low' 'lr'bute the incoming milk M '";'.'V Z '1 trruhj l,rijmd the cream walL It t'nfen- 1 'i)kf1"''M ''' and prolovgs the centrifugal Fj " ftion. It affords a protected path for I jl feV'l f r'am rarticl, , I K'ves practically doubU I i ' Kkimming turare of other twwls. It ia J Jfr V- Vv 7""' nJ fh clranrd, moW mnitary and jfj very da mile. For Ctotr Shimming the IJW. KJi X U- S- hoU" the WrW Record. XX r Jjr 'sV KJ TIk-m qualities merit your SOLD BY HINCKLEYCO-OP. HINCKLEY A. D. RYAN. C. E. James Alex. MelvUle Surveying-Mapping Attorn.y-.t-Uw rh-MiWawM .(,, st DELTA UTAH DESERET ... VTAI1 Salt L.k. Offlcw 924 B.tn Pld |