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Show SEE UTAH FIRST. A public special train execnrslon wilt be run from Salt Luke City to lllng-hum, lllng-hum, I'tah, and letiirn. under auspices of the Commercial Club ou Arbor I lay, Monday, April IMIi, and as most lines of business will lie closed on that day j)ou are urged to be one of the ! J people w ho w ill make the (tip and s-ive yourself legrct. special train will leave I'nlon station Salt Lake City ut 8: (5 a. m, and return re-turn at . p. m., running both ways via hall Luke Route and the new high line, scenic liingham & (Jiiifield road. I'pon arrival at lllngham, 10:15 a. in., excursionists ex-cursionists will be conducted to the immense open pit and mountain work-lugs work-lugs of the I'tah Copper Company, where Hpecial dynamite blasts and the steam shovel operations will be witnessed. wit-nessed. I'pon departure of speeftil tialn from lllngham at Hinghain & (Jar-Meld (Jar-Meld station, 12:30 p. m., a special luncheon will be served without charge tc holders of excursion tickets. I'pon return trip special train will stop one hour at the Magna mills and one hcur at the Garfield smelter, and the excursionists will be conducted through the mills and smelter by guides wiio will explain the treatment of the ores after being brought down from the mines at lllngham. Ihls I the lirst and only public personally per-sonally conducted excursion to the mines, mills and smelter, and will be the best night seeing, most Interesting! and Instructive one-day trip ever before be-fore offered. The ladies may accompany you mid will encounter no Inconveniences. The special excursion tickets, Including Includ-ing luncheon, ure on sale at rate of $1.7.1, and If you wish to avail yourself your-self of this splendid opportunity to gain a direct Insight Into Utah's most Important industry please so signify on attached card and mall at once. Inform your friends that the excursion excur-sion tickets are on sale at Salt Lake Route ticket office, 169 Main street, and at Commercial Club. MKK UTAH FIRST. |