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Show Filipino Dlsllk Auto. The reckless and Insolent automo-blllst automo-blllst li hated the world over. In the Philippines, where most of the auto-mohlllsts auto-mohlllsts are foreUnprs, and where the natives have been uied to loiter comfortably in the road after the faahlun of eaay Ruing, southern countries, coun-tries, the automobiles have long been a grievance, and. failing to eerure of feotlve regulation, the Filipinos have adopted the practice of rolling big boulders Into the roadway as a hint not to turn corners at a breaknack speed i A Logical Deduction. Father How tl nro yu, S.tra'iT Cii '!! th,. t i !v? t?arah I atn four ynr f,),j j-athr-r Whfti will )u ) fiv-? lh ii know? Sarah I don't know, m-M-r, I'm ihfxiKti lH-lne four, I jhi .- a tlonal Monthly. W,-i'-r fr--r t --ry t h-M t (; vphi roiinJ in Alto fruo in. V. : Ui ; t.i! t 'Hin frh day It" sun t ho' i-tioijKh t t.litt-r tho fl-sh. Ative si Jtiprs, li La the place ln re t-iirr-mfi iutet. |